Do you want to Become a Tarot Professional & Start Earning Money doing Readings?
Keep reading... you're at the Right Place...

Tarot Professional Workshop - in Hindi

Do you want to Learn Tarot and Start doing Readings Professionally?

✅Want to become a Tarot Reader and start Earning Money from your Readings?

✅ You will be able to Solve your own Problems, get Immediate Answers to Questions

✅ You can Earn Rs. 50,000+ every month Easily from your Home

Start Doing Tarot Readings in just 3 Days GUARANTEED Accuracy in Readings… !*
Become a Spiritual Professional and Earn Money Ethically!

You cannot become Doctor by Reading just books, similarly you cannot become Tarot Reader and give Life Predictions just Reading from books.

Course Fees - Rs. 6999/- (Original Price Rs. 10,999/-)

*Note- all Payments are non-refundable, Registering this course means you comply with our Terms and Conditions.
No Recordings or Replays are available with this Class.
For Other Payment Options like Gpay, UPI, Paypal, Net Banking please see bottom of this Page

Tarot Scans the Depth of your Soul and brings out Answers, it can also help you Dive into Other's Minds and find answers. Tarot Connects with Sub-Conscious Mind to get answers. And Sub-Conscious mind has answers to all Questions of Life.

टैरो आपकी आत्मा की गहराई को स्कैन करता है और उत्तर लाता है, यह आपको दूसरों के दिमाग में गोता लगाने और उत्तर खोजने में भी मदद कर सकता है। जवाब पाने के लिए टैरो सब-कॉन्शियस माइंड से जुड़ता है। और अवचेतन मन के पास जीवन के सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर होते हैं। ।

क्या आप टैरो सीखना चाहते हैं और व्यावसायिक रूप से Tarot Readings शुरू करना चाहते हैं?

✅ अगर आप टैरो रीडर बनकर व्यावसायिक रूप से इसे प्रैक्टिस करना चाहते है? टैरो रीडिंग करके उससे से पैसे कामना चाहते है?

✅ टैरो सीखना से आप अपनी समस्याओं का समाधान ला पाएंगे और दूसरों की मदद कर पाएंगे उनके प्रॉब्लम में|

✅ आप रुपये कमा सकते हैं। 50,000+ हर महीने आसानी से अपने घर से

केवल 3 दिनों में टैरो रीडिंग करना शुरू करें रीडिंग्स में सटीकता की गारंटी...!*
एक आध्यात्मिक पेशेवर बनें और नैतिक रूप से पैसा कमाएँ!

Course Fees - Rs. 6999/- (Original Price Rs. 10,999/-)​

*Note- all Payments are non-refundable, Registering this course means you comply with our Terms and Conditions.
No Recordings or Replays are available with this Class.
For Other Payment Options like Gpay, UPI, Paypal, Net Banking please see bottom of this Page

टैरो कैसे मदद कर सकता है आपकी?
प्रश्नो के उत्तर प्राप्त करना, भविष्यवाणी करना*, दिशा-निर्देश प्राप्त करना, अच्छे बुरे लोगों के बीच में फर्क करना बता सकता है, सर्वोत्तम करियर पथ को जानना, स्वयं के बारे में सीखना, भावनात्मक विकास, व्यक्तिगत विकास, जीवन में प्रगति करना, और भी बहुत कुछ...
तो आप यह सब अपने लिए और अपने ग्राहकों के लिए कर पाएंगे टैरो प्रोफेशनल कोर्स सिख कर|

How can Tarot Help you?
Getting Answers, Predicting Future*, Getting Directions, Finding out well wishers from Ill-wishers, knowing the best career path, learning about self, emotional growth, personal growth, progressing in life, and much much more…
So you can do all of this for yourself, and for your clients after taking our Tarot Professional Course.

Course is Perfect for - Housewives, Working Professionals who want 2nd source of Income, College Students about to Start their Career.
गृहिणियां, कामकाजी पेशेवर जो आय का दूसरा स्रोत चाहते हैं, कॉलेज के छात्र जो अपना करियर शुरू करने वाले हैं।

Course Fees - Rs. 6999/- (Original Price Rs. 10,999/-)​

*Note- all Payments are non-refundable, Registering this course means you comply with our Terms and Conditions.
No Recordings or Replays are available with this Class.
For Other Payment Options like Gpay, UPI, Paypal, Net Banking please see bottom of this Page

🪷Tarot Professional Course🪷

Make this Wise choice and get a Level Higher in your Life, Register Now

*Note- all Payments are non-refundable, Registering this course means you comply with our Terms and Conditions.
No Recordings or Replays are available with this Class.
For Other Payment Options like Gpay, UPI, Paypal, Net Banking please see bottom of this Page

Course Contents -
👉🏻 You'll be able to Learn Professional Level Tarot Lessons
👉🏻 Learn Tarot Readings without rote Learning Card Meanings.
👉🏻 Start doing Readings in just 10 days Class, GUARANTEED!
👉🏻 Get Guidance about Best Tarot Practices and Decks
👉🏻 Start getting Paid Clients

इस टैरो प्रोफेशनल कोर्स में आप क्या सीखोगे

पाठ्यक्रम सामग्री -
👉🏻 आप व्यावसायिक स्तर के टैरो पाठ सीखने में सक्षम होंगे
👉🏻 बिना रटे टैरो रीडिंग सीखें कार्ड का अर्थ।
👉🏻 केवल 3 दिनों में पढ़ना शुरू करें, गारंटी!
👉🏻 सर्वश्रेष्ठ टैरो अभ्यास और डेक के बारे में मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त करें
👉🏻 सशुल्क ग्राहक मिलना शुरू करें

People including Doctors, Lawyers, Businessmen, Housewives, Sportsmen, 9 to 5 jobbers, Freelancers, can all participate in this Program. Including men and women.
इस कार्यक्रम में डॉक्टर, वकील, व्यवसायी, गृहिणी, खिलाड़ी, 9 से 5 नौकरीपेशा, फ्रीलांसर सहित सभी लोग भाग ले सकते हैं। जिसमें पुरुष और महिला...

What you'll Get?

Tarot Professional Course 10 Days - LIVE

- Simple and Easy way to know Card Meanings

- Simple 3 Step Reading Process, with which you can read for People across the Globe.

- Private Whatsapp Group for Registrants.

Priti has Touched 54,000+ Lives
Since 2005

Course Fees - Rs. 6999/- (Original Price Rs. 10,999/-)​

*Note- all Payments are non-refundable, Registering this course means you comply with our Terms and Conditions.
No Recordings or Replays are available with this Class.
For Other Payment Options like Gpay, UPI, Paypal, Net Banking please see bottom of this Page

Testimonials from Happy Customers

Course Fees - Rs. 6999/- (Original Price Rs. 10,999/-)​

*Note- all Payments are non-refundable, Registering this course means you comply with our Terms and Conditions.
No Recordings or Replays are available with this Class.
For Other Payment Options like Gpay, UPI, Paypal, Net Banking please see bottom of this Page

About Priti

Priti Kansara has been Practicing Tarot since 2005, 19+ Years(as in 2024). She got into Tarot simply to Learn about her Life and Future. Because she never got satisfactory answers from Astrologers.

Initially she just did Tarot as her hobby. But by 2008 so many People started pouring-in at her place, that she had to make it her Profession. She began her Professional Tarot Reading Journey since 2008. She has never looked back since then.

Priti has Read for People Globally. She has done Tarot Reading for people from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Germany, Singapore, USA, UK, Paris, Pakistan, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, and many more...

She likes to help People realise their Purpose and start walking on a Meaningful Path in life. She is bends more towards Quality than Quantity. She gives more importance to Humanity, Virtues, Ethics than Money and Belongings.

FAQ(Your Questions)

We do have several Tarot Courses, you don’t need to Register for all of those courses. Inorder to practice professionally, you just need this course.

Yes you’ll be able to do Readings with this course.

You will be learning simple Readings, which you will be able to do. After this course

No Recordings or Replays will be available for this course. If you fail to attend one class though, you can be shifted to upcoming class. But this will be if you don’t attend any sessions. Also this will be valid only upto 6mths of Registration of Course.

We don’t offer any refund policy, we want to really be invested into Learning Tarot. And not take this as a hit or miss game. If you’re ready to Learn, then give this a shot. So once you pay, Refunds won’t be available. If you aren’t able to attend the Workshop, you will be given Recordings.

I have been into Tarot Teaching since 2009, and I know there’s NO COURSE in this world that covers each and every thing about Tarot. So please forget this question.

This is a Professional level course. A primary school kid cannot learn university Level concepts without going through Basics right? 

I hope you got your answer.

Cards are just a TOOL. The way you use it will make them positive or negative.

कार्ड सिर्फ एक उपकरण हैं। जिस तरह से आप इसका इस्तेमाल करेंगे, वह उन्हें सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक बना देगा।

As I said earlier you get Negative Energy if you use the Tool Negatively! That’s it!

जैसा कि मैंने पहले कहा था कि अगर आप टूल को नेगेटिव तरीके से इस्तेमाल करते हैं तो आपको नेगेटिव एनर्जी मिलती है! इतना ही!

Check the top of this page for Program Dates.

Terms & Conditions
1. No Refunds available, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, Email/ Whatsapp support 11am to 7pm IST on Business Days. Whatsapp number will be shared will be for Professional Inquiries only.
2. Everything is Online, nothing will be sent by Post. सब कुछ ऑनलाइन है, कुछ भी डाक द्वारा नहीं भेजा जाएगा|
3. This program is for you to learn Tarot, you cannot get Free readings from Priti during this course. If you want readings you'll have to book a Consultation with her. 3. यह प्रोग्राम आपके लिए टैरो सीखने के लिए है, इस कोर्स के दौरान आपको प्रीति से फ्री रीडिंग नहीं मिल सकती है। यदि आप पढ़ना चाहते हैं तो आपको उसके साथ परामर्श बुक करना होगा।
5. You need to have a high speed internet connection to access the Live course sessions
5. कोर्स Live सेशन तक पहुंचने के लिए आपके पास हाई स्पीड इंटरनेट कनेक्शन होना चाहिए।