How to Nurture your soul?

Two days back I had posted something about Feeding the soul, here goes the Post…

And this post got a lot of comments about “how to actually feed the Soul”, “What to Feed your Soul with?” This is the reason why Im writing today’s Post. Now let me tell you doing this is a task. You may just keep on endlessly trying to make ends meet, when you are doing nothing to do what the Soul needs. And so always keep struggling in life and never get the results that you desire.

Here we’ll get into how to Feed your Soul, and what to Feed your Soul with..

How to Feed your Soul? And what to Feed your Soul with?

Soul is a Spiritual entity inside you, and it cannot be fed with burgers and juice(all that crap) that you feed your body with. Soul needs Energy as food, Energy thats pure and that nourishes it. Its a surprising fact isn’t it, that Soul cannot be fed with shit. There are couple of unhealthy and dangerous foods that aren’t good for your Body but you still have them. But that same thing cannot be done with Soul. The Nourishment for Soul is Clean and clear. No fluff.

So you may ask for what duration this needs to be done – For that, you’ll have to do it till you want to Nurture your Soul

Praying and Believing in God..

God is what your Soul is a Part of, and so Connecting with God is like replenishing your soul with its food. Like recharging batteries. People who believe in God and Pray to God regularly are believed to Live life more Peacefully and Happily.

There is a huge fraction of people who question God’s authority, question why there’s problems in life when there is God. Well doubting God’s existence is harmful to you, it doesn’t make any difference to God. Earlier I used to teach about connecting with different beings, but then I too stopped that. As that makes you believe in “other stuff” rather than God. The reason is only this, I didn’t want to take you on any other path then believing in God.

2. Doing Good Karma –

Donating money, food, blood, your help, time and energy to help people in need. This is the most misunderstood thing, donating when you have extra will always have a replenishing effect on your Soul. So inorder to have extra you need to first start working on your Purpose, and save a fraction of your earnings every month to “donate”.

But donating when you don’t have much, will scar your soul. People tell me on my video comments “Priti, you must be donating all your money you earn”, well dude you cannot Donate everything you have/ earn. That will run your soul dry and you’ll start feeling starved and devoid. God gave you this birth to fulfil your purpose. While you do that you are also nourishing your life as well as the planet. Remember…

You cannot Nurture others, unless you are living a Comfortable life.

You cannot Give Happily to other’s unless you have enough to Provide for your Family..

– Prituzz

3. Walking on Path of your Purpose

Walking on the path of your Purpose is the Single MOST Nourishing thing. Most people forget their Purpose and just crazily want to run after earning money. That’s what you’re born for? Earning a Lot of Money?

Well Earning and owning a lot of Money isn’t wrong in itself. Having enough money is actually good because it doesn’t make your soul feel devoid of good things and dry. But aiming to earn a lot of money before you start working is definitely wrong! You need to first aim on “How you want to Serve?” Then in return if you are being loaded with money, there’s nothing wrong.

4. Meditations, Devotional Songs of Divine will help Nourish your Soul..

Prayers whether you say them out loud or say silently within your heart. Are Equally nourishing and fulfilling for your Soul. God doesn’t want a pompous Worship or $1000’s worth of donations. He just wants your connection. Like how you need Him for everything in life, God also needs you for Love. Connect using Prayers, Meditation over your God, Singing or listening to Devotional songs/prayers of God.

(When I say God I mean the Ultimate God who created all of us, you may call him Jesus, Krishna, Allah, Buddha… or any other name. Yet God is one. He loves everyone equally)

5. Meditation

Meditations are a real turn-around, when you Meditate you can actually feel God and be one with him. Living in the materialistic world may make you doubt God’s existence, but meditating will help you feel that Presence of God.

Meditation helps to clear out the day to day debris that you collect in your mind, body and soul. Most of meditations that you may come across are just focused on material things. Not those one’s we’re talking about, you need Meditations that are focused on your soul.

Just because you collect debris on day to day level, so daily meditation practice is a must. And please don’t ask me “Till when do you have to meditate?”. You have to meditate till you want to keep your Soul Nourished.

6. Letting your Creativity Flow

You do this by pondering over your Real likes and dislikes, what makes you happy. See what you’d like to do to create something phenomenal. It can be something as simple as a ceramic vase, organic juices, planting trees, writing programs, designing dresses, teaching etc. What’s your inner calling, whats making you long for doing something worth.

When you constantly go through the day to day grind, yeah the Rat race thing. You loose touch of your real-self. And so day by day you’ll start feeling more and more shitty, your bitterness will increase. Not just bringing dissatisfaction for yourself, but you’ll also become a bug for others. And to undo all that, that you’ve created since years. You need to take some time off and introspect what is it that you’d like to create. Remember creation is never negative.

You are born to CREATE something via your Energy, inputs, talents, work. When you become a stereotype worker, where your inner soul is staying unquenched of giving fully. Then too you’ll feel starved even though you might be working overtime.

7. Being Good towards yourself

There’s nothing more Toxic for your Soul, then you hating yourself, self-sabotaging, guilt, hatred all because you did some mistakes in past that you shouldn’t have done. Though doing wrong does also fade your light, but repenting over and cursing yourself over years will definitely dull your soul. Which you shouldn’t be doing.

Make sure that whenever you see yourself beating yourself up, you gather up yourself. “Forgive yourself” and move on, make changes to your habits and actions. Remember your habits create you, so habits that have repeatedly brought bad results. Should be discontinued. Work on polishing yourself and evolving rather than beating yourself down.

So that’s it for Soul Nurturing, let me know how did you like this post. If there’s anything you need help with, please leave in comments. I will see you again next time. Till then bye, and take care of yourself.

  • Priti

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