Hi again and welcome to this new week, I know its Monday and you might feel a bit low or lazy after that awesome weekend you had. So this post is that dose for your self improvement that will help you to start your week with some good and wise info.
Our body is not just on physical level but it does have an energetic pattern too. That energetic layer that first gets affected and later on the damage shows on the body. Your body is on physical level and just a level above it is the etheric realm which comprises of your emotional body, and above that is the astral realm/mental realm comprising of your mental body.
The body stays in good health and in harmony when all these realms are clear and the energies are flowing rhythmically. But our life and people who surround us are not always well and good. There maybe challenging times as well, and this disrupts our energy bodies completely. People who are around you also dont become bad, they have their own issues. Otherwise in a fast and busy life like what we have, do we have any extra time, that we can other then on our selves and on our family? Do we have time to bother others?
So now lets get directly on today’s hot and sizzling topic.
How are blockages of our body created?
Your body and its blockages whether its physical, mental or emotional they are all created by one small disruption. And do you know what’s that? Its the disruption of the rhythm of your breath. Your breath is the master of your health. Yogi’s since centuries have been working hard to get control over their breath. Do you think that its over-rated? I don’t think so.
Breath is the most important factor in either balancing your mind, body and soul or putting them in utter chaos.
Your breath has a particular rhythm, and that rhythm is in sync with the universe. Which means the outer and inner universe will be in harmony. When there is disruption in your inner universe then your outer universe will also be in some kind of disharmony. As we all are connected to some part of the universe.
Breath is the one that can be easily disturbed –
Your breath can be easily disturbed, especially if you are a part of the hectic city life. Breath will go high when you are doing stressful body work like running, lifting heavy weight etc and also get disturbed when you are emotionally down or stressful or fearful.
The time when your breath is disturbed is when your chakras get blocked or complete run out of tune. This time the more longer, the more devastation it can bring into your life and its different areas.
So the more you want to be balanced in your life, the more you want success in your life and all its areas the more you have to be balanced and in control of your breath. Which in turn will keep all your chakras in balance.
Which blockages are the most easy and which are difficult to remove?
Lets first understand what are the three kind of blockages that you can create in your energy body and through which chakra. The root chakra is connected and it can create/ undo blockage in your physical body. The sacral chakra is the 2nd chakra and it can create or remove emotional blockages. And the manipura chakra is the one that can create or remove blockage on your mental level.
Blocks develop from top to bottom in case of chakras. First the mental blockage will be created, with any conflicting thought that might come into your mind and if its not resolved it will become a mental block and that thought will keep coming back again and again. And the next is the emotional body, the conflicting thought will result into negative emotional outage; and if that emotion is not dealt with then that too will become a blockage and will keep coming back again and again; and then that emotion will create a physical block. Emotional body is dense energy body, and so the more heavy the weight of emotions gets the more stagnant they tend to become. And the moment the emotion stagnates it will start creating a physical block in that part of the physical body where it stagnates.
How to remove mental, emotional and physical blockages?
Physical blockages are the most difficult to remove, then comes the emotional ones and then mental. I can say mental blocks are the easiest to remove. Not to overrate the fact that you need to be more understanding and wise so that you may develop lesser of mental blocks.
Physical blocks can be removed by various ways. Body might have developed diseases that are chronic. Or health issues may recur again and again. Medicines are the one’s that can help remove physical blockages, not just any medicine. Natural medicine that actually understands the body and then works according to it. Allopathy medicines actually create blockages. As they dont heal, they just add something that’s missing in your body inorder to bring the equilibrium. But its doesnt cure the ‘why’ that created the imbalance. Homeopathy and ayurveda helps heal the body. Also energetic ways of healing like reiki can help you clear physical blocks gradually.
But you dont have to completely depend upon outer sources of healing, for something that you created from within. You also have to make your own effort to clear your own physical blockages by regular exercising, taking healthy food, taking ample rest, cutting away harmful substances.
Emotional Blocks are a bit tricky for normal people, especially if you dont know that things like this exist too. They can be easily removed by practicing forgiveness, homeopathic medicine, back flower remedies, eft tapping, 5-min energy routine, pranayam & yoga, reiki, tai chi etc.
Mental Blocks are easily removed, here too forgiveness works, homeopathy works, crystals, good company, cutting away unwanted- undesired people from life, visual board with positive suggestions, talking positive and staying away from negative topics, talking more frequently about your likes then your dislikes etc.
How to maintain the balance of your energies, once you manage to clear all your blocks?
To keep your mind, body and soul all balanced. To keep your physical, emotional and mental bodies in balance once you have cleared them of all blocks can be done by keeping the breath in control and keeping the chakras balanced all the time.
Chakra balancing can be done by meditating upon each chakra and throwing an intent upon each chakra that they are getting balanced. And to keep the breath in control by daily practicing panayama(breath control exercises) the breath will slowly come into your control and stay balanced most of the time.
When does body stay in natural rhythm without any effort?
For long term and permanent balance you need to be fully kundalini awakened, this will make your energies balanced and breath in rhythm. There’s no external effort for balancing breath and chakras needed once this happens to you.
You can learn more about full kundalini awakening here.
How to reach this balanced state?
To reach the full kundalini awakened state you need to awaken your kundalini by any way you choose. Through any guru you prefer. To reach the fully awakened state is different for all individials as it depends on how quickly you can clear all your knots in your system that are created by your karmas.
img courtesy – from top to bottom sattva and Serge Bertasius Photography from www.freedigitalphotos.net and kundalini pic, of my own.
So here’s all from me for now, I’ll be back with more next week. If you liked this post, hit ‘like’ if you have any questions do post in comments below.