How I learned the 13th Card of Tarot Practically?

It was dated back in 2014 that I was still very much dedicated to the Rider Waite Original deck, and hadn’t thought in my dreams ever that one day I would be banishing this deck completely from my practices!

13th card tarot

But it happened. Early in April 2014, I had an app downloaded on my android which gave daily Tarot. And as a lover of Tarot I had opted to receive the daily card every morning.

Within a few days I received the fated 13th card for the first time, I didnt take much heed of it; as I know it just doesn’t always mean ahem. So I neglected it, without studying it much. Then over next 15-20 days it showed up a couple of times in my daily readings, about 4-5 times. Still trying to ignore it without much giving any thought for ‘why that card was following me since past many days!’.

Then feeling totally elated and having a very high feeling, I woke up on 24th. [This is the way I sense spirits released recently from their tired bodies, and making a journey towards the spiritual world. I learned this during this incident, until then I would just ignore that feeling too] and as I am a very strict believer in affirmations as usual I ignored totally putting my phone on general mode. Lazing around I made myself meals to go for next 2-3 days, had bath and just before getting ready to get down to work I decided to have a look at my phone; with a surprise I saw 15 missed calls, about 10 unread messages; which was very rare as nobody calls me during that time of the day.

And I came to know my dad was no more!

It was a numbing feeling.

And not writing any more story of the details thereafter, I would like to jump in here into the D’ card. Horrifying I immediate response was to hide away all my tarot decks, didn’t want to read from them. But then it was my profession, going on well; after all I had begun getting credibility for it and also experience of 9 long years.I didn’t think about I was doing wrong to my profession. And stayed firm on my decision of not bringing rider wait into picture anymore.

Then slowly this idea crept my mind, I had learnt about the Angel Tarot deck. This deck is the Doreen Virtue deck, the mild and gentle deck as it was named. For people who are sensitive. But this deck really helped me to cope up with this TERRIFIC card (lol). As after that instance it turned up a number of times.

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So what did it mean then? I actually found a couple of things/ people/ situations which i was facing unnecessarily and had to end them. I was dragging myself in certain relationships, certain situations that just sucked I ended or hopped out of the picture. And that’s how that card proved perfectly its turning up in my reading too. Ending phases that are worthless and beginning new one’s. Which really meant so, a number of phases began and they were much more better.

The card which I felt sucked, actually didn’t. It just showed what was coming up. It showed me clearly about my dad, but I just couldn’t get it. Its said that the spiritual world will reveal truth’s only that much, how much you can bear. And so I guess that was not shown clearly to me.

So rather then freaking out at the appearance of this card, its necessary that you totally check what it means for you. It has n number of different meanings, for all different kinds of people. So you need to figure out what’s in it for you.

See a related blog post here>>

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