Free Beginer’s Tarot Course

Hello, Im Priti welcome to the Free Tarot Course. This course is for beginners as well as those who have already begun tarot reading and are learning on the way.

Priti Wonder

I have been a reading Tarot since past 10+ years now, and bouy I must say it was really a great journey. With many happy customers. I have created this free Tarot course keeping you in mind. As I know many beginner’s just have no clue where to go and what to do, which books to read if want to learn Tarot. I too tried to learn it on my own, then took a course and slowly started to paddle my Tarot boat.

Tarot Cards

If you would Love to join this course, then you need to do these steps…

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  1. Sign up for this free program below, do it right now

You will receive important instructions in email to get started.

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2. Share this page with your friends so that you all can learn Tarot together. Learning Tarot together is always fun and insightful. You learn faster and gain confidence as well.

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3. Join Facebook Group. This will be the dwelling place for New Tarot Readers. And you can ask questions here.

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4. Get a Tarot Deck for yourself to get set, for the course when it starts! You CANNOT learn tarot without a Tarot Deck!

Important Frequently Asked Questions – 

Who must join?

If you are a total beginner, to a tarot aspirant. Then you may join this course.

What if I am an Advanced Tarot Reader and still want to join?

Well you are welcome to join, there will be some insightful revelations for you as well as others. As you can help beginner’s by giving your valuable comments about each lesson.

Is there any hidden Fees?

There is no hidden fees, anyone subscribed to the course will receive free training material.

Do I have a Paid Course?

Yes, I do conduct paid courses as well only once a year.

Is this course enough for me to learn tarot fully?

This is a basic beginner’s course, you will find all you need as a beginner to learn about Tarot.

Can I start reading cards after this course?

Yes for sure, this course though basic it will help you to develop confidence to begin reading cards within a few weeks.

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