energy cleansing

Energy Cleansing

Have you ever wondered when you are low on emotions, you just visited a gloomy or negative person and immediately your energy shifts and feels low and dragged. You need energy cleaning, to put your energies back on track. Energy cleansing has been used since years for keeping your energies positive and in rhythm with the universal energy.

This isn’t just you, everyone who is very sensitive energetically will feel this way. Because you are picking up somebody’s else’s energy. You can stop this by cleaning yourself. And then by going a step ahead by doing Psychic Protection or Angel Protection.

And try repeating this process every 12hrs, if you constantly feel drained since sometime.

If you’d like to watch this video in Hindi language, then go ahead watch watch it here 

Once you are done watching this, go ahead and share this video with your friends and loved ones. You never want them to be energetically low right?! Yeah…

And as always thanks for dropping by, like and comment. And return next week, for more amazing stuff like this.

See ya!

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