Angel Advice

The most awaited video for you, I have been asked to make a video on this since months. And finally this video is ready. This video has all the details about Angel Altar. How you can build your Angel Altar and what are the different things that you might need to build yours.

I have put a link below the video, and you can download a checklist of angel altar things, essentials. You will finding that list helpful for making your ow altar. Its not necessary you have everything thats on te list, I too dont have all of it. Just the things you love.

Check out the video and let me know your comments.

If you have any questions also let me know about them. Thanks for stopping by, Subscribe to stay in touch.


Do you connect to Angel’s? and are getting clear Angel Signs to mixed signs that make you confused and not bring a certain opinion on what they mean?

Well as a beginner or a little Advanced Angel Communicator everybody does get into this. But you are not alone, and you need not be there forever. Here’s my experience plus experience of several angel connection experts that I have contacted.

Check out the video and enjoy. Let me know if you are receiving some other signs then these, and need an explanation. Please put your thoughts and concerns in comments below. If you’d like to watch this video in Hindi Language, then go here.

And before you leave, make sure you share this video with someone who needs it. As they will bless you later on for sharing.

Thanks for watching this video. 😇

Go to my Youtube Channel to Get weekly Tarot Reading

Weekly Tarot Reading

Its always good to have some guidance for yourself to move ahead in life. You always have the freewill to choose whatever we want to choose into your life. But getting into greater pitfalls will make you be super careful before you do anything. And so I have begun sharing weekly videos that will show you whats coming up for the week.

Not scary predictions that make you dependant or make you feel they are a word written on stone. But they will motivate you and guide you to make your life better.

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Angel Advice- How should Indigo’s find that perfect friend, for a fulfilling life?

To know more about whether you are an Indigo or not read this and this

And now you know that you are an Indigo child or Indigo person, as ofcourse you are grown up by now!

You need to know few things that will hep you to find that perfect friend who is going to make your life fulfilling. If Indigo’s are not in the right company they are at danger.

You need to  be fulfilled only then you will feel good about yourself.

So the perfect way to find a good friend for you is here. Watch the video. And do share in comments below about your thoughts about the angel advice!

If you feel I missed out something, or if you have your angel deck then do give a shot at adding your own action steps for this in comments below!

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Angel Advice – How to start following your Goals?

Have you ever found yourself setting goals but not working on implementing them?

You are not just supposed to set great goals, but also need to work upon them. Thinking good or having good intentions isn’t great. But working upon your good intentions to bring a positive change in this world is important.

Check out how to do it!

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Angel Advice- How to find your Soulmate?

Are you single? and searching for that soul-mate that’s going to make you feel complete and cared for?

You need to know a few steps inorder that you find the perfect match for yourself!

Watch the video above.

And yes if you have already found a soul-mate and you feel I missed out a point in the video or you would like to suggest additional points to the one’s Ive given; then please share them in comments below!

Thank you for watching and visiting my site. Would love to see you again here, same time next week with another fresh and interesting topic of your choice.



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What to do if several people working on a single life purpose have conflicts?

Learn how to handle this type of situation at workplace/ business or a specific cause where you might be facing conflicts with people who are involved into the same project.

You obviously dont want to mess up as that purpose is close to your heart and yet you feel your ideas should be heard. Your opinion counts and its does matter.

If a thought is important only then it has emerged at this point in your life.