Prayers to reach out to the Angels are effective tools to communication with the Angels. Angels wants you to be connecting with them, and not just for getting in touch. They really want to help you.

Do check out this special video on Angel Praying Effectively to be the best self when you pray so that you can bring the best results in life.

Hindi Video – 
English Video – 

If you missed checking me earlier video on Angel Prayers, then plz check this video.

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Good Morning, have a peaceful day!

#angelprayer #right #method #toget #perfect #results #wish #desire#fulfillment #prituzz #soulspurpose

You might find people over the internet talking over this topic, and whether is it really safe to connect with the Angels. I have few things to say on this, check out this video, also dont just read the headline and come to conclusions, Angels are safe beings. And Angel Connection can be beneficial. But you need to learn this also about Angel Conneciton

Hindi video – 

English video – 

Stay Positive, Stay Blessed!

#angelconnection #safe #protection #devil #youtube #soulspurpose #prituzz #inhindi #inenglish 

Lately I have been getting these requests of collaborating with me, partnering with me, sponsoring my videos, sharing your products/ services/ brand exposure/ programs/ apps on my website or youtube channel.

I get that, that its a very good opportunity for me too, that if you are really genuine at your work and want to whole-heartedly help mankind with your kind and considerate work. Then I would be privileged to put up your work “out there” so that maximum people can get to know you.

But as it sounds so good, we also know there are a few people who are not that serious about their work and just want an extra penny. And their idea of getting exposure from me might have that just one intent, “money”. So I need to be careful to whom I share my space with. Because Im not here to give shout-outs to money hungry people who don’t care and respect their customers. Humanity, care and concern for clients/ customers is a must for me. And non-discrimination for customers is a must, whether they be a male or female, they be of any cast/ community or creed, no racism etc. I would whole heartedly welcome you if you also abide by these rules.

Check out all the details about working with me in this video

Hindi Video ––Oc

English video –

After going through the video and reading all the above description you feel that you are ready to collab with me, then you can write to me here

We can collab on youtube if you have more than 1000 subscribers on your channel. And you are regularly creating free content on your channel till date.

If you want me to recommend your book or product then you will have to mail it to us for free. Also the product or book will be recommended only if I feel they are worth the buy. Books in Hindi, English and Gujarati are welcome. I don’t read any other languages, so please don’t send any other language book.

If you want me to sponsor your brand, product, service, program, app, on my youtube channel or website or both then the charges will vary for weekly exposure, monthly exposure, yearly exposure and lifetime exposure.

Thank you for trusting in me in helping you grow,


Angel Presence – 

Angel Signs and symbols show you that you are connected to an Angel. But there will be times when you cannot get any signs, when you are fervently trying to connect to Angels. What to do then? What does the silence of Angels mean? Check out this video here…

Angel Presence doesn’t need signs or signals!

If you’d like to watch this video in Hindi language, then check the Hindi Video here- 

English Video – 

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If you haven’t watched earlier videos about Angel Signs, Angel Messages, or Angel Lights then you need to watch them now. Do check them out.

Have a Good Day!

#angelconnection #angelPresence #angel #prituzz #soulspurpose #youtube #video #inhindi #inenglish 

Earth Angels are divine spiritual beings born into physical bodies, these Earth Angels have a special mission to accomplish. They are connected to higher realms and always are in touch with their divine self.

They might require a wake-up call, check out this video to get the entire scoop. So learn here what are Earth Angels?!

Hindi video – 
English video –

Good Morning
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#Earthangels #inhindi #inenglish #prituzz #pritibkansara #soulspurpose#angelconnection

Getting into a Past Life can bring emotional healing, whatever stress trauma you might carry from a Past Life, can be wiped off bringing peace of mind.

If you feel you need the session, or you are curious to know what you were in your past life. Then go ahead and watch this video to get more info.

If you want to watch this video in Hindi then go here –

In Hindi –
In English –

Book your Past Life Regression session, here –
Good Morning, have a nice day!

PastLiferegression #Pastliferegressiontherapy #pastlife #Pastlifestories #prituzz #soulspurpose

Like Angels Divine Incarnations also can be contacted. They are at a much more higher vibration then the Angels, they were born as humans with powers of the divine. And they were born here for a special purpose. Masters can help you immensely with your earthly life. Check out this video here…

In Hindi –

In English –

Angel Connection Meditation –

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#divine #incarnation #connection #prituzz #soulspurpose #angelcarddivination #divineincarnation #supremepaindivineincarnation #divineconnection #divineincarnationmeditation 

You might be wanting to know what Soul’s Purpose is, life purpose is given to you life after life which is different. But what is Soul’s Purpose? and how do you fulfil it? Check out this video on Soul’s Purpose

Hindi –
English –

LifePurpose #SoulsPurpose #Prituzz #Youtuber #SoulPurpose

Life can give a rough ride to some who have a very heavy karmic baggage thats usually comprised of negative karmas. Then it might just appear that you have a lot of bad-luck.

If that’s with you, then a lot of normal things, that are quite easily achievable by some. Might take a while or an eon for you to achieve. The reason is your soul is on a very low level. And you need to Ascend. Check out this entire short-film what this means. Also there are remedies given for permanent solutions.

English –

If you want to watch this video in Hindi language then go here –

Hindi video link-

Like, Comment & Subscribe. Hope this video helps, share it as much as you can to help humanity! 

#removebadluck#howto#permanently#prituzz#soulspurposenet#inhindi #pritibkansara #ascension

Motivation is your daily dose in life, you do fail we do procrastinate, you do get lazy, you get hopeless which might stop the flow of your life. But you know TIME NEVER STOPS for anyone, and so if you want to succeed in this life. You need to stay motivated all the time to make sure you keep on being creative and productive.

Rather then wasting time in thinking negative or talking negative you can INVEST THAT TIME in reading these books. They are best-selling motivational books of their authors. Check them out in this video here…

There is one book that I recommend to all, if you haven’t check it out, go here.

Hindi –

English –

Good Morning, have a Motivational day & life ahead! 

#Motivational #books #recommendation #famous #bestselling