I wanted to do a reading for this present Corona Situation since long, but as I felt that a lot of rumours are getting around. I dont want my Readings to be mis-interpreted as a Fake-news or rumours etc.

But I also would like to share one shocking thing, the “Corona Card” in my Oracle Deck that I created in June 2019. I actually wasn’t aware of the image, never thought about it in deep. Just thought that it will be a good image to share for the card meaning.

But while doing the reading for the Corona Situation, this card pops up!

So I have included that main image in the pic of the video. Do check it.

Also I have created a Corona Situation Spread, if you’d like to practice it. Then download it from the form above.

Hindi – https://youtu.be/toLILXsQmqI

English – https://youtu.be/Keo1CrGwKsQ

Do go through the reading, and let me know your comments

Additionally if you’re a Tarot Reader then do the reading from the Spread that Ive shared, and then share your reading in the comments below! Take this reading from a light-hearted point of view and not a stone written prophecy, as few things can change based on how the nations take actions further.

See you in the next video…

If you’d like to get a Reading from me, than go here – GO HERE

If you’d like to know more about Divine Feminine – GO HERE

If you’d like to learn about Universal Healing method – GO HERE

The purpose of sharing this video is not to bring healing, but to spread awareness about “why this is happening”, so that we all can stay safe and prepare for a better tomorrow!

Hey I am a Past Life Regression therapist and I do get people who fear a couple of myths before going into a Past Life Session with me. And one of the most common fear is “what if I cant come back? What if I just stay stuck?”

Interesting thing is everybody feels Regressionists might be doing Time Travel process!

But Past Life Therapy is different then the general logic. Watch this video to learn the truth!

English – https://youtu.be/5xTt1i7UkFI 

If you’d like to watch this video in Hindi, then go ahead here – Hindi Video: https://youtu.be/qaFawnSLXHA  

Share this video with as many friends & your near and dear ones.

Podcast Link – 

Subscribe my Podcast – https://anchor.fm/prituzz 

Past Life Therapy Bookings – http://bit.ly/2Jwm2Ka  

Past Life Therapy Course Waitlist – http://bit.ly/past-life-Course 

Check out these references from past blog articles –

How can past life regression help you? – https://www.souls-purpose.com/how-can-past-life-regression-help-you/ 
Past Life Regression – https://www.souls-purpose.com/past-life-regression-therapy/ 

Let me know your thoughts and queries in comment below!

Today is a Guest Post by Mary, she has good knowledge about Astrology. Check out the article below written by her. I definitely had to share this with you. Over to you Mary..

Astrology. It’s a word that’s been inspiring excitement and skepticism all over the world for millennia. From the comfort of reading your horoscope over morning coffee to the satisfying dismissal of your coworker’s Sun sign— ugh, what a typically stubborn Taurus!— astrology just might be here to stay.

But where did astrology come from in the first place?

Once upon a time, humankind watched the Sun set and the Moon rise, and became hypnotized each night by the stars. The Moon was particularly magical; it seemed to pull the ocean’s tides, coax women to bleed, and awaken people’s wildness. Then people started to notice a group of fixed stars that seemed to dance along a band in the sky—now known as the ecliptic. What’s more, they noticed that when planets danced along certain sections of this band, certain events seemed more likely, and babies born during these times shared common characteristics. In fact, the word “planet” comes from the Greek for “wanderer”!

Over time, these early stargazers sliced the ecliptic into 12 even sections, each named for the constellation of fixed stars that stood behind it, and by 500 BC, voila— the western Zodiac was born. Because it was first created to measure human ritual through the passage of time, it begins not with January, but at the advent of spring, when the light of the Sun lingers as long as nightfall, and life begins anew on earth. It is the season of Aries—a time of initiation, beginnings, and newfound vitality. The early astrologer Macrobius, in fact, believed Earth itself had an Aries birthday.

Over the next 5,000 years, the great civilizations of Egypt and Greece studied and perfected the relationship between the heavens and the earth. The first version of astrology originated in ancient Babylon in the 2nd millennium BC, and was almost entirely focused on omens. It was generally used for ordinary, everyday things such as weather predictions, farming tips, and political matters, and many thought their behavior during certain celestial patterns could ensure the survival of their children or animals.  This came to be known as “mundane astrology,” and is the oldest known form; it later spread to neighboring regions such as Egypt. After Egypt was conquered by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC, a more complex kind of astrology emerged out of the Greek influence. This was eventually dubbed “Hellenistic astrology,” and from it, we received the four elements, the sign rulerships, the assignments of different Greek gods, and other systems that we’re familiar with today.

Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy discovered over 1,000 stars through his telescope, and gave us the earliest known astrological text— the Tetrabiblos, written in the 2nd century. The Tetrabiblos was eventually translated into hundreds of languages, and its influence lasted thousands of years. From this point on, astrology would take off as a popular method to study human behavior and health. But although the next generations of scientists used astrology as a common and respected part of their work, the divide between the scientific and the mystical would continue to grow. The most significant part of this change came after the early 1500s, when Copernicus first theorized that the Sun is the center of the solar system. This threw much of early zodiacal theory completely out of whack, and skeptics began making a case for astrology as a baseless pseudoscience.

Doubt grew even stronger during the Age of Enlightenment, and especially with the discovery of the “forgotten” outer planets— Uranus (1781), Neptune (1846), and Pluto (1930). When astrology became mainstream in the 20th century, it was partially because of new theories on human thoughts and feelings, and, of course, the advent of psychology. Carl Jung, the influential Swiss scholar and psychiatrist, believed that astrology was really the culmination of all ancient understanding of psychological forms and patterns—and developed his theory of “archetypes,” or symbols that represent common feelings, ideas, and experiences.

The zodiac signs, as we think of them now, come from a combination of modern ideas like Jung’s, and ancient ones such as Plato’s, whose early astrological writings are linked to myths, stories, and symbols from places like Mesopotamia (Capricorn, The Goat and Taurus, The Bull), and Egypt (Aries, The Ram). Each sign has thousands of years of associations, events, myths, and superstitions powering it. But the 12 signs weren’t even written about as a group until the 1930s, when astrological writers wanted to engage and entertain more readers. Before this period, the Rising sign was seen as much more important— and it’s a trend that’s been coming back into vogue, especially with the work of popular modern astrologers like Annabel Gat, Chani Nicholas and Jessica Lanyadoo.

In general, the whole of astrology, like its distant cousins numerology and tarot, is an inexact science— like a stock forecast or weather report. It can make suggestions about good timing, and offer solutions to your troubles, but it can’t make predictions set in stone. All of astrology is a potentiality— for success, for love, for health— and it offers this information as tools that we might use to challenge our own fates. In over 5,000 years of human patterns and theories, a system has emerged, and sometimes it’s downright uncanny.  We can use astrology as a powerful agent of self-help, or to smooth sharp edges with humor. We might not always know why something happens, but the stars might be able to point us to how. Skeptic or not, you might notice a few things lining up that seem to defy all logic. Why are all your best friends Libras? How come you can’t stand most fire signs? And what’s with your fatal attraction to Scorpios? The stars know, even if you may not.

About Mary Cole – 

Mary Cole is a US based tarot reader and astrologer with over twenty years of experience. She learned tarot from her grandmother and at an early age was divinely inspired to pursue it as a life path.

Having done over one thousand readings, Mary remains enthralled by the mystery of tarot and considers her journey through the Arcana ongoing.

You can find her Website here – https://www.7tarot.com/ 



Past Life Regression is a Process that can help you recollect memories of your Past Lives and sort them out if they are troubling your Present Life. There is a lot of mis-information that might be confusing you about “what Past Life actually is?” and thats the reason why I created this video

Hindi – https://youtu.be/6CY8Dp0e0Xg

English – https://youtu.be/lq1cCPJbgfQ

Do check the video and let me know if you have any additional questions about Past Life Therapy.

If you’d like to book a Past Life session with me, then go here

Becoming a Millionaire is Dream of Many but very less people try to make it into a Reality. And if you are new to the Powers of the Mind thing, then you might get surprised to hear that you need to develop a “millionaire mindset” in order to attract millions into your life.

Check this Video on Millionaire Affirmations. I also have crafted a short ebook to help you get these Affirmations Right, which you can Find here –

Hindi – https://youtu.be/a3xlp1i7wsc

English – https://youtu.be/0kzag73fNkU

Let me know your thoughts on this, also do practice these affirmations and share with me the Results you get with them.

Download Free Guide herehttp://bit.ly/affirm-millions  

If you want to learn the Perfect way to do Affirmations, then here’s a Video on that

Affirmations English Video – https://youtu.be/Ck9lPajqtyE 

If you’d like to watch this Video in hindi, then GO HERE.

I will wait for your comments

  • Prituzz 


Ho’Opono Pono – Let your Inner Universe create your Outer Universe

The Hawaiian Master Healing Technique, that can help you to heal inner discord such that it can heal your outer world!

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len used this Master Healing techniques on Criminally Ill patients, who were need to be kept locked else they would kill people. He did their healing without even seeing them personally, using the Ho’Opono Pono Technique check this video to know how to do it perfectly… 

Hindi Ho Opono Pono Videohttps://youtu.be/6Dm8SMyluEE

English Ho Opono Pono Video- https://youtu.be/u-wPTw6heJs

Join Spiritual Q & A webinar here – http://prituzz.co/spiritual

#hooponopono #hawaiianhealing #drihaleakalahewlen #healing #technique #prituzz #soulspurpose #inhindi

Emotional Freedom Technique Clear your Emotional Blockages and Excel in every Area of Life

EFT is the Emotional Freedom Technique that helps you to release anxiety, depression, stress, pains, problems etc..

Hindi video – https://youtu.be/BW9zRphWnsw

English Video – https://youtu.be/dcaEZyJJjHM

Download FREE EFT Guide here –


Register for Free Spiritual Q & A Webinar


#eft #tapping #blockages #emotional #freedom #technique #inenglish

Part 1 –

Money doesn’t grow on its own, to have Financial Independence and make it stable.. is a Science of Money Management. Check out in this video. There are 5 factors that are necessary to keep in mind

Hindi – https://youtu.be/lpLrXnDJMZ0

English – https://youtu.be/cQ2hHARObTk 

Part 2 – 

Learn more about Female Power and Money Chakras that maybe blocking you to become Financially Independent… check this video..

Hindi – https://youtu.be/EyE763aR-uA

English – https://youtu.be/Jbade0mY0zA

Join Free Spiritual Q & A Webinar – http://prituzz.co/spiritual

 Part 3 – 

Learn about Effective Money Management

Do you feel that no matter how much you earn, you just dont have money by the end of the month? Check this video…

Hindi video – https://youtu.be/n_zZwI0M6pA

English video – https://youtu.be/3GENJrtXemQ

Vick’s Program, Wealth Building Blueprintwww.fourpercent.com

Siddharth Rajsekar’s Video –


Download Free Guide here – http://prituzz.co/money


Let me know how did you like all of this Information, so that I can understand what other videos to make for you.

Do you feel despite of doing everything you’re lagging in life, things are not going your way and you just feel exhausted continuously try to strive to be something that you’re not? Watch this video

You have Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine side whether you are a male of a female. And keeping both them healthily balanced in necessary no matter what! check this video for learning What Divine Feminine is and how to keep it balanced…

Hindi – https://youtu.be/ZEZHcAAlHes
English – https://youtu.be/oNhjhiDKDfU

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See you in next video

Watch other videos on my channel – 

If God and Angel’s exist why do we have problems?
Twin Flame
How to find meanings of Angel and Intuitive Signs?

#divinefeminine #divinemasculine #life #balance #youtuber #prituzz #soulspurpose

I get this question a lot of times while doing a Reading, here’s a reading for you too. Try to ask Angel’s help for choosing one correct option so that you can move ahead positively in the Right Direction.
And then see what your Intuition says Option 1… Option 2.. Option 3..

Watch other video in this Series – 
What does your Ex think about you? – https://youtu.be/DC7NDPBRK_g 

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