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Lesson 1 –

Beginning + Major Arcana

Today we officially begin with the Free Tarot training. So I totally expect that you have already bought your Tarot Cards & Book(if you need).

You need to get Angel Tarot Deck by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. As I use this deck in my trainings. Also I use this deck for readings, and its perfect and very accurate. Also if you feel you need to buy a book to help you assist in your learning. Then try getting this book, its written by me. And its like a must have for every Tarot Reader!

So now getting started. First of all to learn Tarot and to become a good Tarot Reader, all you need is a Tarot Deck and a passion for learning. And I think you have both, that is what made you hop in here! 🙂

So when you begin with Tarot you need to know a few things. Certain things are compulsory and certain things can be done by choice.

Mandatory in your Tarot Reading journey –

  1. Meditation upon your Cards
  2. Clearing your cards(what I will teach you in a moment)+Carrying your cards for 21days+Keeping deck untouched.
  3. And lots of Practice!

Things you can do by your choice –

  1. Rituals with your deck. Before and after reading.(We’ll get there)
  2. Putting your cards in a wooden box, and getting a purple or silk cloth.
  3. Getting a personal space for reading, giving a spooky feeling! (LOL)

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Mandatory for Tarot Reading journey –

1. Meditation upon your cards is VERY IMPORTANT – 

This is like a must must must do for every Tarot Reader. You can just imagine that everytime you meditate, you just make yourself a better Tarot Reader. You not just will gain intuitive skills & powers out of meditating regularly over your cards. But also will gain confidence while you give out readings.

So assuming that you are total new beginner here, so you might also pose a question here. “How to meditate?” So to help you with this. I already have a great meditation for you, over here —

Just download it from here —
download full meditation program



If you liked the above Meditation, and would love to get the entire set. Then please go here…

Buy Full Meditation Set




2. Clearing your deck + Carrying it with you for 21 days.

This step is the second most imp thing. Clearing the deck as it will accumulate the energy of the readings you do. Reading are usually done to find answers to problems, and so problems carry a heavy energy. So deck needs to be cleared regularly.

Deck Clearing – Hold the deck in your palm, and cover it with another plam. And imagine there is a shaft of white light emerging from Heavens and entering your deck. And all dirty, muddy colors are leaving your deck. Do this till you feel its right. You’ll know when its done!

Carrying the Deck – Carrying the deck with you all the time, when you are beginning. This helps you to make the cards ‘yours’ and also the help you get one with the cards. Eat, sleep, roam about whatever you do. Carry your deck with you. This step is most important, as for me. As I feel the cards literally become more accurate after the start getting used to my energy!

Keeping the deck untouched – This is huge. Tarot Readers sometimes let clients choose their cards with their hands. I usally dont allow to touch the deck at all. I feel they stay more accurate when I ONLY touch them. But its still your choice, you may or may not allow. I have seen Tarot Reader’s getting equally accurate readings even with their clients touching their decks. But make this a point. Don’t let any stray people to touch your deck. Your deck should be used only for READINGS. I know many people will come to you who might just want to touch and see the images of all the cards. Well, restrict! Tell your family & friends to touch cards only with your permission!

3. Practice –

So this lesson is nothing new, but all you know from your school days. You need to Practice inorder to polish your skills & boost your confidence. Do you know that you can get better and better every time you read your cards. Its not that you reach a certain state in your Tarot Reading journey, and bells ring from the heaven that “Ohh Honey! You are now ready for reading the Tarot”

You can start reading the cards from Day 1. Which I too did 10yrs back. And totally fell in love with Tarot.

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Things you can do by your choice –

There are several things that you might find in Tarot books that say that doing certain ceremonies/ rituals or rules before reading or after reading is helpful. Though I don’t say they are a must for everyone. But somewhere these rituals help you to ground and bring to your awareness that “you are Reading your cards!”

1. Rituals with your Deck –

There are many rituals that you can do with your deck, before and after reading. This just helps your mind to mark that reading has begun so that you can come into your wise and intuitive mode. And when its over, you again get back into your normal life.

  • You can burn incense sticks, or burn sage and run it through the cards. Before and after the reading. Some use this method to clear off energy from the cards. This method can also mark as a good beginning & ending ritual.
  • You can hold a crystal point in one hand, and move it around the deck thrice(or any number you choose) to mark as the beginning. And move it in opposite direction to mark completion of the reading.
  • You may also say a prayer, to your angels or spirit guide/s to call them + make yourself aware that you are now ready to receive messages from intuition. The prayer can be like….

angel prayer


2. Storing your Deck –

Though storing the deck isn’t much of an issue, we can always store it in a drawer or a closet. But Tarot History has special storing instructions for Tarot Cards. You can do this, or not. Totally your choice. There are tarot reader’s who follow this rule as an iron clad rule. Whereas there are other reader’s who dont this at all. And still are reading well. So following these rules or not, wont affect your tarot reading skills.

  • Storing your deck in a purple/ black cloth. This cloth is either or silk or velvet. Why? because velvet or silk gives us an instant feeling of ‘royal’ & ‘delicate-ness’. Also the color is of significance. Black or Purple color doesn’t allow any stray energies to creep in the deck when its not in use. The cloth ensures that your deck stays positive.
  • Also second storing instruction, is that you store it in a “Wooden Box”, which doesn’t have any metal fixings. You can get this type of box made. Or today’s world offer’s a similar & easier way. Plastic Box easily fixes into this requirement. As well as is cheaper & lighter to carry around.

3. Getting a Personal Reading Space –

Getting yourself a personal space, is somewhat of importance. As all spiritual practices need a special space to make those practices more effective. Same applies to Tarot Reading practice as well. Now if you don’t have a Special Space, you needn’t worry. You can begin where you are, with what you have. Later on when its possible you can get/design your own space.

  • You can design your own space or get it designed, with spiritual symbols. Spiritual coloring like blues or violets etc can pop-up a spiritual corner instantly.  These colors are of the third eye & crown chakra helping you to get into that mood instantly.
  • You can also create an altar at this spiritual place, and decorate it with crystals & pot pourri etc.

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Beginning with Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards are total 78 cards, divided into two main parts. These two are named Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana has total of 22 cards. And the Minor Arcana has total of 56 cards. Today we are going to begin with the Major Arcana Cards. Make sure you have your deck with you, else you can come back to this page again when you have your deck…

Get your deck here… Angel Tarot Cards

Major Arcana –

Major Arcana is the first half of the Tarot Deck. And is numbered from 0 to 21. Totalling up to 22 cards. Yes it has a card numbered ‘0’. That’s because the card is the first card and marks the beginning of the deck. And the card not just marks the beginning of the deck, it also depicts the same meaning in the reading. Beginnings in life. Birth of a child, new relationship beginning, new job, new project, new venture etc.

The Major Arcana cards hold a Deeper meaning & depict Greater shifts in a soul’s journey. And so whenever you get a major arcana card. You know its more  important then other minor cards in your reading.

All cards have a picture and every picture holds a story. Try meditating on the first card, fool card. And then try to see what story the card tells you. The cards do speak even without meditation. But meditating will help you to get more deep into your subconscious mind and get best possible meaning for that card. Your subconscious mind is said to have all the answers of this universe, as its connected to the spiritual world.

Download your meditation here, if you haven’t done it yet.

Try to flip through each card, and see what feeling/ thoughts each card brings. You can write your experiences with your cards in a special Tarot Journal or a notebook.

Assignment #1

– Clear your deck, and charge it with your energy(carry it around). Create your own space or prayer and follow it.

– Assignment for this lesson is that you have to go through each and every card of Major Arcana. Lay them out in any format and try to create a story around it. There’s nothing right or wrong in this. You just have to do it, and then share your assignment progress about what you discovered.

To submit your assignment progress, comment below..


Hello, Im Priti welcome to the Free Tarot Course. This course is for beginners as well as those who have already begun tarot reading and are learning on the way.

Priti Wonder

I have been a reading Tarot since past 10+ years now, and bouy I must say it was really a great journey. With many happy customers. I have created this free Tarot course keeping you in mind. As I know many beginner’s just have no clue where to go and what to do, which books to read if want to learn Tarot. I too tried to learn it on my own, then took a course and slowly started to paddle my Tarot boat.

Tarot Cards

If you would Love to join this course, then you need to do these steps…

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  1. Sign up for this free program below, do it right now

You will receive important instructions in email to get started.

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2. Share this page with your friends so that you all can learn Tarot together. Learning Tarot together is always fun and insightful. You learn faster and gain confidence as well.

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3. Join Facebook Group. This will be the dwelling place for New Tarot Readers. And you can ask questions here.

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4. Get a Tarot Deck for yourself to get set, for the course when it starts! You CANNOT learn tarot without a Tarot Deck!

Important Frequently Asked Questions – 

Who must join?

If you are a total beginner, to a tarot aspirant. Then you may join this course.

What if I am an Advanced Tarot Reader and still want to join?

Well you are welcome to join, there will be some insightful revelations for you as well as others. As you can help beginner’s by giving your valuable comments about each lesson.

Is there any hidden Fees?

There is no hidden fees, anyone subscribed to the course will receive free training material.

Do I have a Paid Course?

Yes, I do conduct paid courses as well only once a year.

Is this course enough for me to learn tarot fully?

This is a basic beginner’s course, you will find all you need as a beginner to learn about Tarot.

Can I start reading cards after this course?

Yes for sure, this course though basic it will help you to develop confidence to begin reading cards within a few weeks.

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Professional Tarot Reader

How to know when to start reading Tarot Professionally? If you are into tarot reading and you are really serious about reading tarot. And making it your profession. Then this is a pressing question that you might be facing at every instance. There are several reason’s why this question haunts Tarot aspirants. First is because you might feel that experience of a number of years is important. Then also you might feel that a certain age, might make you feel mature enough to appear as a ‘problem solver’. And many other such belief’s. Let’s see into this….

What does it need to become a professional Tarot reader?

Tarot Cards


Tarot gives satisfaction









To begin reading tarot you need just a tarot deck and a passion to read the tarot cards. This is usually there inside you, if you are reading this post. As reading this post somewhere proves that you are passionate about Tarot and somewhere inside you want to start reading it sincerely. Read through this post carefully, if you really want to make it professionally.

Apart from this you need to learn how to read the cards. You need to know what the cards mean. You also need to know to comfort and console people who come to you for help. As most of the people who come to you must be someone is trouble and needing help & support. You also need to have confidence with reading the cards.

You need to have some kind of experience with your cards before you get into the profession of Tarot reading. And so you can always begin reading for your friends & family once you begin learning with your cards.

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Is there a perfect age?

There is actually no perfect age to begin with Tarot. Though being reasonably a bit elder in this profession always helps, as you have gone through life experiences and you know the truths of life upto a certain extent.

If you have been mature enough by learning about different problems through spiritual texts, then even practicing at a young age wont be a hurdle. As the advice would reflect your knowledge. Yes initially you might have to face questions.

Yet being too young like around 10-15yrs of age would not be advisable. Yes to serve people of this age would work fine, as both have similar challenges & problems.

When can you start reading?

You can start reading Tarot as soon as you start learning Tarot. Actually Tarot is best learnt when you have your own deck and you start practicing it while going through different exercises.

For reading for people for charging money you need to be experienced enough and confident enough to pull off as a tarot reader. As if you just rush into the reading process for getting money, I would like to warn you that you might bump into customers that sometimes are not pleasant enough. Well I am not scaring you. But this is a fact that you will get such people. As every Tarot reader has always had a story about such a customer.

Why? because people who are in trouble will only come to you. And it might end in them throwing their frustrations upon you. If you are experienced enough, you can frame a “code of Ethics” to help customer’s learn what their ethical behaviour should be like. If they want to get reading from you. This helps them to know “they need to respect you”. Though try to do it in the most polite way. As you want to serve, right!

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Certification is not necessary but its important.

Tarot Certification

To read the cards, you don’t need a certificate. But to read tarot professionally, you need to have a certificate. As it gives your customer’s an idea that you have learned it from an authentic cource and that you are reliable. The same like getting a degree to make your employer aware that you can be relied upon with the subject.

Tarot reader’s when certified, always give a sense of relief to the customer’s as they know they are receiving “life-advice” from someone who can be relied upon and who has learnt from a reliable & recognized source.

You are always more relieved when you see a Certificate on a Doctor’s wall, that you are visiting. You feel a sense of relief that you are in safe hands. Where someone is learned enough to deal with you well.

How to gain confidence?

Practice… Practice… Practice…

Tarot Practice

You need to pratice reading, inorder to gain confidence in reading the tarot. When you are a newbie and you are learning, you can always tell that to people you are reading for; so that they can be a help to you in the reading the process rather then just being judgemental.

Yes you might come across people who will question your experience and knowledge, just so that they know whether you are really trustworthy so that they can load you with their load of problems.

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What to do if your readings are not accurate?

If you are a beginner this might happen, or if you have not learned Tarot from a proper source then you this problem might occur. Moreover if you are not confident in your-self then too problem you might face.

But this doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you. I have seen that inaccurate readings arise when the question is asked incorrectly. If you ask the right questions with Tarot then there are lesser chances of readings going inaccurate.

Also you need to practice more. As well as meditate upon your cards. Most inaccurate readings arise when you have not connected with your intuition while answering the question. Meditation upon the cards helps you to develop your intuition.

If you feel you are not connected to your intuition, and need to polish accuracy with Tarot cards.

Here’s a great Free Meditation for you to begin with.

Download free Tarot Meditation



If you would like to get an entire set of Tarot meditations, go here 





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Do you have any questions please meave it in comments below, I read all the comments and answer all that require one. 🙂

See you next week, here with yet another Tarot topic that you want to know about the most!.

Also I am beginning a Tarot course, if you want to get free training material. Add your email below.

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If you are really serious about making tarot as your profession, then this would be helpful to you. My friends teaches, how to make your event a success. This can be helpful if you want to run your own tarot class. Its for Free.

Learn to master your events

Tarot Cards can show a number of things including showing Sexual Attraction. Love and Sexuality is a common part of every human’s life. What people always want to know is that what’s truly infused with Love as well as balanced sexuality. Or whether the relationship is vaguely based on sexual attraction. As many of us is vary of the fact that such a relationship loses its lusture very quickly.

So let’s get into this. There are a couple of cards that show love & sexual attraction. Also there are certain combo’s of cards that show Love, sexual attraction and only sexual lust.

Cards Showing Love – 

ten of cups, tarot wisdom tip two of cups, tarot wisdom tip ace of cups tarot wisdom tips









These are some of the cards in Tarot Pack that show Love. Also the show Sexual attraction. Though it can’t be identified very clearly whether how much Love and how much Sexual attraction is there. As these both energies are inter-related. Deep Love is directed towards Sexual feelings. And sexual feelings are expressed as Love. Not always Sexual feelings mean love. But many do think it as Love initially.

Also these cards show not just sexual attraction but also Love, care and connection. With just sexual attraction there is lesser of care and connection. Though just sexual attraction leads people towards caring for each other and loving each other. But not always. Yet there’s a possiility.

10 of Cups – shows a very balanced Love & Sexual connection. As there is Love, caring, connection bewteen two people as well as their creation ‘kids’ also with them reflection deeply connected sexual & love energy.

2 of cups – might be a mix of love & attraction. Its actually the initial pull that people feel towards each other. And there might not be any explained reasons for that ‘pull’. And so this can also be a form of fascination.

Ace of Cups – Ace of cups shows intense Love. Also new beginnings of Love relationship. This might be new or re-kindled relationships.

The Lovers – The ultimate card about Love. This card is all about deep and passionate Love. You can be assured that the person you are with is here ‘for you’ when this card pops up.

Cards Showing Sexual Attraction – 

The Devil, Tarot Wisdom Tip ace of pentacles, tarot wisdom tip

four of pentacles








These cards show more of sexual attraction, lust and feelings that are vague show less of love but more of sexuality that can be violent. Though sex isn’t a bad energy, whatever you obsess about gains a bad name. And same is with sex. When you dwell more on sexual feelings you tend to bend more and more over this subject and keep getting deeper into it.

The Devil – shows the excess of sexual energy. Where you/ client might be totally into a sexual obsession. And the name devil itself says that there is more of sexual contact with no hints of care and love. Though there can be many relationships that begin with Love but they do get to an extent where they get sexually obsessed.

Ace of Pentacles – The ace of pentacles is another card showing more of sexual contact. I cant say attraction. But this is a more steady approach to a sexual relationship. Partner’s might be ‘appearing’ loyal, yet they are loyal due to their sexual instincts. They may be well connected. A strongly bonded physical relationship.

4 of pentacles – This is a case where there can be excess of possessiveness amongst one or both sexual partners. Which may lead to blocking each other from progressing further in life.

So that’s all from me, Im sure you too have some thing more to add to this post. Please share it in comments below. Yes don’t be shy to comment first, or think that you are just a beginner. I too was a beginner some years back, and everybody has to start somewhere.

Let me know what’s your thought about these cards…



Last year I came to know the true power of the TOWER card. Saying this it really feels like saying Lord Voldemort and how you should not say His name. Whatever it is, yet the tower card showed its TRUE meaning to me last year.


Its not that I didn’t know the power of the card before. I read successfully for myself and other’s before that too. But as the year 2014 was a year of revealations for me. That I re-discovered meanings of various cards, happenings of my life.

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Tower is truly a very powerful card, and to be clear it is the powerful card that can really shake your roots and make you question the mere base of what you’ve planted things in your life.

The title clearly tells you how you need to be very prepared when this baby pops up in your reading, or get your client prepared to accept what’s coming. Terrifying Tower means that it reveals a very terriffic thing to you that you didn’t know. Which you werent aware of. And tremendously Tower is because the tower actually shows you bare truth. Truth is the only thing that exists in this universe. And what’s untrue brings misery. Truth brings clarity and light. But truth sometimes can be so staggering and bitter that its difficult to accept.

You have known those times when Truth was the most difficult thing that you could digest. God is kind enough to not give us too many tower moments altogether in our life all at once. He has distributed them about everywhere in every area of our life throughout out life, so that you get enough time to digest them.

Truth the more quicker you accept the more quicker you adapt to the coming change.

And so Tower though being an extremely unacceptable or inexpectable card in our reading. Turning the tower card in your reading just asks you to buckle up and get prepared for getting some sharp blow of truths or break of belief’s, unexpected surprises coming your way.

If this post scares you, I can’t help it(LOL). But just writing it out was necessary. So I did it.

Now its your turn, what do you feel the Tower says? Have you had tower reveal shocking info about your life? Share it in comments below. Tarot can be best learnt by sharing your views & learning about it from other fellow readers.

Would you like to get free-stuff, offers and event updates? drop in your email below.

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Angel Advice- How should Indigo’s find that perfect friend, for a fulfilling life?

To know more about whether you are an Indigo or not read this and this

And now you know that you are an Indigo child or Indigo person, as ofcourse you are grown up by now!

You need to know few things that will hep you to find that perfect friend who is going to make your life fulfilling. If Indigo’s are not in the right company they are at danger.

You need to  be fulfilled only then you will feel good about yourself.

So the perfect way to find a good friend for you is here. Watch the video. And do share in comments below about your thoughts about the angel advice!

If you feel I missed out something, or if you have your angel deck then do give a shot at adding your own action steps for this in comments below!

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Angel Advice – How to start following your Goals?

Have you ever found yourself setting goals but not working on implementing them?

You are not just supposed to set great goals, but also need to work upon them. Thinking good or having good intentions isn’t great. But working upon your good intentions to bring a positive change in this world is important.

Check out how to do it!

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Angel Advice- How to find your Soulmate?

Are you single? and searching for that soul-mate that’s going to make you feel complete and cared for?

You need to know a few steps inorder that you find the perfect match for yourself!

Watch the video above.

And yes if you have already found a soul-mate and you feel I missed out a point in the video or you would like to suggest additional points to the one’s Ive given; then please share them in comments below!

Thank you for watching and visiting my site. Would love to see you again here, same time next week with another fresh and interesting topic of your choice.



What is EGO? And whom can you label as Egoistic?Ego Definition – The voice inside your head that gives you directions to make your life safe. Its there to connect your soul to your body. And will always think about your safety, security and survival. So if you are endangered then you will get signs that are negative and fearful.

Ego is actually gives to you for your good. Which most people don’t know.

Why everyone has an Ego?

Ego is the entity that is fake and exists inside your mind. And this ego is actually made for your own good. Your soul when gets into a human body, is not aware about the good and bad that exist in this world. And so you would be vulnerable and open to get attacked by the ill’s of this world.

Wouldn’t you attract only good if you didnt have ego, then why the hell was ego given to you?

You might think that if a person is not born with an ego then there would be no critical thoughts and thus you wont be attracting anything that’s bad for you through Law of Attraction.

But life doesn’t work that way.

Everybody is born with certain lessons to learn that that lessons ain’t be rolling out positively. And so there would be negative situations in your life that will teach you to be positive. And so you need to be given an ego that will help you to first to towards your lessons through LOA.

Also children when young don’t know what’s good and bad for them, when they learn good and bad through their experiences; those experiences are stored in their mind which later on become emotional triggers for them to take decisions for their life. So your ego is not given you for your ill, its for your own good.

When can you label a person as EGOISTIC?

The label egoistic is quite tricky, and I myself misunderstood it for quite a lot of years of my life. But when I really learnt what ego is, I was actually spellbound about how true it was.

Ego is the little voice inside you that either inflates you and makes you proud of something that’s not too impressive about you or what you’ve done, and also ego is the same voice inside you that tells you all down and depressing things about yourself when you are not feeling right.

So when you do good and you hear thoughts inside you….

…. That you are too great, and there’s no one who could do the job better then you, then its ego

…… That you are incomparable/ non-replaceable and there will never ever be anyone better then you available to people/ world

……that you are very divine/ better/ spiritual and there are other’s out there who need to respect you (this is usually the voice of ego for the spiritual seekers, be careful)

And on the other side when you are down and depressed, then its your ego that tells you….

…….that you are shameful, disgusting and a looser. You don’t deserve to be at that job/ place/ world

…………..That cannot do it, you are not talented enough to do that

……………..that you cannot get that person/ partner, because you are ugly, obese, not attractive etc.

what is ego death?

Did this post strike a cord inside you?

Well I have written this post just to educate you on this topic, so that you too know when your ego is clouding your mentality.

I didn’t know what’s an ego for quite many years, and kept thinking that people only who think too much about themselves are egoistic. But when I learned this, I knew how much egoistic I was. And how big problem it was creating for me.

What is Ego Death?

Ego Death is when the ego dies inside the person, this is a noteworthy phenomenon in a human’s life. The state when you no longer have the negative voice inside you that keeps scaring you and warning is no more and you are open to think broadly, and freely without any limitations.
This state is the highest state that a human can reach.
How you can reach an ego-less state?
Reaching the ego-less state is ofcourse every human’s desire. You would love to live a life when you are no longer guilty, scared of societal criticism, and being fearless of one’s own fears.
This state can be reached by you by following the path of yoga. Not just the postures but following the eight fold path suggested by patanjali.
Yogi’s are the one’s who become ego-less and enjoy the most of their stay on this planet because they don’t have any limitations and setbacks.