If you have tried to connect with Angels, and have not succeeded then you should try these methods. You will be stunned at how quickly and easily you can connect to these Divine beings.

English – 

Hindi – https://youtu.be/-ISeGe99sSE

Easy methids to help you connect with Angels for sure, learn and practice few times for best results.

#AngelConnection #AngelConnectionMethod

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September 2018 – If you want to watch these videos in Hindi, watch herehttp://www.souls-purpose.net/2018/08/september-2018-monthly-readings.html 

Aries –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/J1ERdFFK-GM

Taurus –

English Video – 

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/bboZgRQdAhs

Gemini –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/tgUFgJSld6s

Cancer –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/nT6kJL4xf38

Leo –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/frBUuusascs

Virgo –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/W6fFITta1LE

Libra –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/VAxl_fHrMTY

Scorpio –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/xSOFT1c844M

Sagittarius –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/hcv_p_uFVzY

Capricorn –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/adgqBkXlrPg

Aquarius –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/tiMBCUcF3KY

Pisces –

English Video –

Hindi Video – https://youtu.be/O6r1ef2BQig

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If you’d like to watch this video in Hindi, go here https://youtu.be/0CuOCyYWse8 

I am a Tarot Reader as well as an angel Card Reader, I am asked this a number of times, and so I decided to make this into a video. What the actual difference is, and which one is better then the other if at all it is that way. Tarot and Angel Cards have several differences.

After you check out this video, let me know what you feel is the difference between Tarot and Angel Cards.

Check out this video, and let me know what you think about it.

Let me know in comments if you have any more queries.

Angel Blessings! See you again next week.

6-steps to improve Angel Connection

Have you tried Angel Connection? Or want to contact Angels badly, but cannot? Try these few steps. And you will definitely increase your chances to connect to Angels. I have been asked this like a zillion times as people tend to loose their patience once they feel they cannot connect to Angels

I have carefully listed these 6 steps, as they are crucial to help you Connect with the Angels. Check out this video, to find out what these 6 steps are


English – https://youtu.be/9K0v_SN1GMI

Hindi – https://youtu.be/VgdQ3xUwX5g

#AngelConnection #Howtoconnectwithangels #howtocommunicatewithangels

If you want to watch this video in Hindi, go here https://youtu.be/rBFZfHKYNZs

If you are a person who is not into Reiki or Spirituality, you might actually not know the difference between Reiki and Crystal Healing. Check out this video below, to learn the difference. And let me know which one you think is better Reiki Healing or Crystal Healing.

Check out this video here

And leave your comments about this video, I would like to know what you would like Reiki or Crystal Healing.

And stay tuned to my channel by Subscribing.

Angel Blessings!

Note- Please note that I am not into any sort of Healing, I neither offer paid or free healing sessions. And no requests, messages or comments for that will be answered. 


Are you into spirituality? then definitely at any point you might have thought of this. Or maybe this is your concern at present. There are steps discussed in this video, that show how to get better with Angel Connection.

If you’d like to watch this video in Hindi, go here https://youtu.be/JnS3nRbGg78

Watch this entire video and leave your comments

Do come back for more, stay subscribed.

Angel Blessings! have a nice day.

Check out this Video, in hindi here http://www.souls-purpose.net/2018/07/angel-connection-part-2.html 

If you are already connecting with Angels than there might be few questions that might arise in your mind. Here’s the answer to all that. Check out this video… Angel Connection is easy and doable, so here’s is your chance to once again brush up Angel’s knowledge and reconnect to your Angels.

If you havent checked the part 1 of this video, then plz check it here …


And if you have any more queries, then plz let me know in comments below.

If you’d like to watch this video in Hindi, check out here.. https://youtu.be/3bh2E5ve1Xg

Seven Chakras are vortices of energy, these powers are hidden and locked. Until you open your chakras with kundalini.

Check out this video here…

If you have liked this video, do like, comment, share and subscribe.

Angel Blessings!