How to find Meaning of Meditation Experiences?


If you are somebody who has just begun doing meditation or have been meditating regularly, then you would have begun getting certain Experiences.
People experiences many things during meditation including Jerks, vibrations which could be light to very heavy.
You may have also experienced seeing different things in your minds eye during meditation. And you might want to know what it means.
Here I have put together some videos which will tell you what your Experiences means...

Meaning of Meditation Experiences - 1

If you experience seeing different numbers during Meditation.
seeing different colours
Feeling of warmth or cold at different parts of body or at different times of Meditation(despite of climatic temperature), or if you experience jerks in parts of your body or whole of your body.
Then this video is something you need to watch.

Meanings of Meditation Experiences - 2

If you have felt Vibrations or tingling Sensations in parts of body, or whole body. These Vibrations could be light to very very heavy.
If you hear sounds, certain words or some sound that you forget after meditation.
If you see things in your minds eye
words or knowldge that comes during meditation...
then this video is meant for you...

If you don't know what your Meditation Experience means...

if you don't know what your Meditation Experience means, then there is this video you need to watch.
Any part of meditation message you don't understand, that too you can find out with this method.

Still having doubts?

If you're still having doubts or cannot find the answer to the meditation experience then you can get in touch with me.
We can get on a Spiritual Coaching Session; and I will help you find out what your Experience means.
Plus I will also teach you how to figure out future Experiences.

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Originally Rs. 29,999/- or $349 USD

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25 Heartfelt ways to say "I Love you" to your Soul Mate

Finding the perfect way to express your love to your soul mate can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. Whether you've been together for a few months or many years, there are endless ways to show your love and appreciation. Here are 25 heartfelt ways to say "I love you" to your soul mate:

1. Write a love letter: Take the time to sit down and write out all the reasons why you love your soul mate. This is a timeless and meaningful way to express your love.
In a world of mobile and email where messages can be lost and formatted, a hand-written letter always is more precious to a loved one. That can be read over and over.
This not only helps build relationship stronger, also makes way for making the relationship unbreakable. As this would be like a good memory in old age.

2. Plan a surprise date: Plan a special date that reflects your love for your soul mate. This could be anything from a picnic in the park to a candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant.
Making this date memorable is important, no matter whether its just a date to a neighbourhood food spot, or it is a five star hotel. Having loads of precious moments together is what's the idea here.
Talk all things that makes you fall for your person, what you're totally crazy about, about them. What makes you happy about them. All of this will light them up💖

3. Give a heartfelt gift: Choose a special gift that speaks to your love for your soul mate. This could be anything from a piece of jewelry to a thoughtful book or a sentimental keepsake.
Try to think about all things they like, if they like reading. Think about latest reads they might enjoy and get them.
If they like music, try to get romantic tracks that express everything you want to tell them. Or gift them a Genre, that they LOVE. Which will also be a clear indication of expressing "love" to them. And make sure you neatly wrap it up with your Love and loving words🥰

4. Cook a special meal: Cook your soul mate's favorite meal and enjoy it together, with candlelight and soft music.
or Even better, prepare your favorite meals together, cooking together is a great way of talking and expressing love while "life's happening", helps to build the momentum in relationship.
If your partner isn't interested, you cook for them. Make something delicious, dishes that they enjoy should be for 1st priority. Your Love doesn't look for the perfectly cooked meal, but will definitely sense the "love" that went into it.💓

5. Write a song: Write a song that expresses your love for your soul mate, and sing it to them. You don't have to be a singer or professional writer. But just pouring your feelings into this person, reminding them of what they mean to you. Will be a very good way to Express your Feelings.
See nobody is going to share it publicly, neither you have to mention to people what you did for your lover. Just doing it is what counts. In life people usually regret "not" saying things when they actually wanted to say a lot. Make sure you don't hold back, and regret later.

6. Share a memory: Share a special memory or moment that you cherish, and explain why it's important to you. Tell them in a loving way about an experience you had with them. It may just be another day for them, because they dodn't know what went inside of you while that happened. So share your side of the story of an otherwise ordinary memory.
Couples would love each other more if they share their loving feelings for each other more often. Hiding them or holding them back, won't benefit either of you.

7. Give a hug: Sometimes, a simple hug can speak volumes. Wrap your arms around your soul mate and hold them tight. Hug says a million loving things, "Im there for you", "I will always be by your side", "I trust in you", "I love you", "I am here for you", "I believe in you", "I always want to be with you"...
Hugs can also be healing, therapeutic, pain reliving, improves mood, relives anger, release negativity, relax and a lot more. But yes giving a hug often, whenever you feel will do the magic.
So make sure you always hug your person often, if you want to keep your relationship ALIVE and flame burning 🔥

8. Say it with flowers: A bouquet of flowers can be a beautiful and simple way to express your love. Choose your soul mate's favourite flowers or a special arrangement that represents your love.
Flowers are timeless way of saying your feelings, people in history also have used flowers for showing their feelings.
colours also hold a special meaning if you want to go deeper... Red Rose says "I Love You", Yellow shows "Happiness and Vibrance" they bring in your life, Orange Flowers show "Passion and Sexual feelings" for them. White Flowers show "Peace and Purity" you want them to bring in your life.

9. Give a massage: Give your soul mate a relaxing and sensual massage, to show them how much you care.
Making skin contact also has its own therapeutic reasons, so give him/ her.a good massage. Doing this during weekends is an added benefit after a busy week.
Arranging a Fragrant Bath ready after a massage will be like a complete SPA treatment for them. Your house doesn't have to have posh amenities for this.
taking the effort to do this, will convey your unconditional love and care to them.

10. Write a poem: Write a poem that reflects your love for your soul mate, and share it with them. I remember one of my friend who always write poems for his lover, he wasn't a writer, not a poet yet when feelings get expressed, the poem just comes to life.
you can actually create poetic verses that fits to popular songs and tunes. And create words that sit on the tune. Just try it, and let me know how it works for you. If you made something extra-ordinary then I would like to read it too. Do share in comment box below.

11. Take a walk: Take a walk together and enjoy the beauty of nature. Share your thoughts and feelings with each other as you stroll. This can be a good exercise as well as relaxing for both of you, while you share a good bond on the way. Go to a place that has fresh energy and natural surroundings.
Nature has its own healing powers, did you ever feel a shift in yourself after taking a vacation? Thats because getting into natural surroundings mixes you with 5 elements and readjusts the imbalances in you. Even better when you do this with your partner.

12. Give a kiss: Give your soul mate a tender and passionate kiss, to show them how much you love them. Do we have to share this? Isn't it obvious? Kiss is something that can unite your Soul to your Partner's soul, say a million good things, feeling ocean of emotions in just few seconds. And filling the void of nothingness that may be in you.
If you have ever kissed your partner, then you know what Im talking about. No two kisses are the same, so don't expect anything from this gesture. Kiss can something feel good whereas sometimes it can sweep your feet away.

13. Make a memory book: Create a memory book filled with photos, notes, and mementos of your relationship. You can make this book as big as you want. Add dialogues that were memorable between you two. You can also decorate this book with hearts and love charms.
This book will serve as a lifetime memorable book, and will bring back laughter and fond memories, even after years. So don't hold back, just get down and let your creativity flow.
You can use a new book or diary that you purchased specially or you can use pages from an old book ,give it a renewed look with decorations.

14. Write a story: Write a story together, where you both play the main characters. This is a fun and creative way to express your love.
Every love story is unique, and yours is also worth making a story book for. Sometime such fond scribblings also turn out into best-selling books. But lte's not get there... for now
Here I want to motivate you to write just for your Lover initially, pour your heart out. Not just experiences you've had, also share what you felt; while each moment you spent with your partner. Both partners experience the same event differently, so write your side. And maybe ask them to write theirs... Have fun, Reading!

15. Make a photo album: Create a photo album filled with pictures of the two of you, and add notes about your special moments and memories.
Phones are now available with great Storages, but you just can't find a special photo when you want to see it Right?! lol happens with me too, this is why Im suggesting you to make a special album of your fond memories.
You can keep adding pics later too, add notes, comments special memories with the photos.

16. Leave notes: Leave notes for your soul mate throughout the day, telling them how much you love them and why.
Is there an enough amount of times, you' can say how much you care? during the day? No there isn't. Which is why on Valentines day you can choose to Leave "post it notes" with little messages to make up the day of your partner.
Keep this a surprise, and put these notes secretly before the day begins. And put them at places your partner visits often; like car, garage, near computer, kitchen, fridge etc. And see their reaction. You can take pics of their reaction and add those to your pics collection.

17. Give a compliment: Take the time to give your soul mate a genuine compliment, and let them know why you appreciate them.
You can count compliments from since you met, or even before that. When you had actually started getting fond of her/him. And share them, there's nothing more a person like's to hear. Then their own praise. Not blunt flattery, be authentic in comments. You have to say things that are real, you have to find qualities in your patner that are really outstanding.
Ive seen couples who've been together for long time, hardly able to compliment each other. But you really have to get yourself to do it. Close your eyes and sit quietly, and focus. You will definitely find 10-15 good ones.

18. Share a laugh: Share a funny moment or joke with your soul mate, to bring a smile to their face and show them how much you care.
Jokes light up anybody's mood. You can even try dirty jokes, when you're 18+ and adults there'll be a lot you can share with and talk about together.
Adult jokes also help couples to break ice further, and get more close. I know my website is spiritual in nature, but there's nothing wrong in being open with your partner.

19. Plan a surprise: Plan a special surprise for your soul mate, whether it's a trip, a special gift, or an unexpected gesture. This Special Surprise can also be decorating your house or your car, then blindfolding them to see that.
You can do a project of doing something for them, like if they were really wanted their car painted. You can paint it, and give them a surprise about it.
Doing something for your partner, that they really wanted to get done, will swell their heart with love for you.

20. Share a moment of silence: Sit together in silence and simply hold each other's hand, allowing your love to speak for itself. Actually this isn't a special thing to do just for Valentine's day. This should be a Regular practice between you two. As many times possible during the week, you need to tuck along and hold hands together, avoid too much talking. Be silent and each-other's presence.
Being Quiet and letting each other feel partner's energy connect through hands is a yet another level of connection you can try. Sex isn't the only thing people enjoy, this also can be a memorable moment.

21. Write a love message: Write a love message on a card, or leave a voice message expressing your love. Tell them your feelings, have you been fighting or just talking usual stuff?
Then take a break from that and write down your feelings for them. Tell them how you feel, about them. Tell them how they make you feel, tell them what makes you feel really good. What sweeps your feet away. Its important for your partner to know what you like and what you don't. Well today we're trying to make the day special, so try to focus on all the good thing that "make you feel good", rather on stuff that pisses you off.

22. Give a small gesture: Perform small gestures, like making their favorite breakfast or buying their favorite treat, to show you care. Here I have shared a pic of a small eco-system, you too can create something like that for your partner. Add two small figurines to represent both of you.
To make this even more interesting, fun and meaningful; add a future house, kids what you'd like to have after 10-12yrs. And gift them, it will work as a Goal Builder too. And help you both to stay focused on future together.

23. Plan a small vacation: to your partner’s favourite place. It doesn’t have to be expensive vacation. Just taking your person out with you, stealing them for sometime and having them just for yourself. Will also express a lot of love towards them.
Going to places within your state also isn't bad. Try to see places that won't be much populated. Where you can spend time alone, Valentine's day also means bunch of people going out with their lover.
You don't want to bump into a couple of them and then feel like a public picnic. 🤣 Calm, Serene, Secluded places will be right. If you're within India make sure those secluded places are safe.

24. Propose them for Commitment or Marriage. I know this is huge and you may not be ready for this. You can keep this in mind for future use 😉
What can be a bigger and better way to say you love someone, then proposing them for a lifetime commitment?! Its wonderful you were boyfriend or girlfriend, you enjoy each other's company, you're madly in love with each other, so why not get committed?
Proposing for a lifetime commitment, is a timeless way to say that you love someone and you care. So much that you want to care and protect them for life.

25. Make something with your hands and gift them. Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect, even in the imperfection that gift will be precious for them.
With things loosing its value at a fast rate, in today's busy world. Anything that's handmade, where somebody has put-in their valuable Time in creating something. Will always be SPECIAL.
Try to make something, whatever you are at doing best. Do it, and gift them. Love is when you can fetch Time for that person. Buying an expensive gift can be done in seconds, but spending hours and making something; with love. Will be Affectionate.

Add Your Heading Text HereNote these tips are especially need to be practiced with your partner, where you're committed. There are several people who just are vagurly into relationship. And are not serious about spending the future together, getting old together. This post isn't for them, as some of the points Ive discussed below will help to deepen and grow a relationship much stronger. If you're not serious about future, there's no point readng in-depth stuff for that relationship.

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क्या करने से बचें लोगों का जीवन बदलना मैडिटेशन करवाके, सुर उसी के साथ पैसे कामना ये एक अलग ही एहसास है| इसमें एक स्पेशल फीलिंग है। और अगर यह घंटी बजती है, तो मैं चाहती हूं कि आप आगे कुछ न करें। और बस इस कार्यक्रम में शामिल हों।

This is a Live Program with Loads of Wisdom and fun filled sessions. Note that this isn’t for Beginner’s who have never meditated. If you want to Learn, how to meditate. Then you need to join my other Programs. This Program is when you already have meditated before, but you want to Learn how to conduct Meditation Sessions. For somebody who has never meditated before.

यह एक लाइव प्रोग्राम है जिसमें भरपूर ज्ञान और मस्ती भरे सत्र हैं। ध्यान दें कि यह शुरुआती लोगों के लिए नहीं है जिन्होंने कभी ध्यान नहीं किया है। यदि आप सीखना चाहते हैं, ध्यान कैसे करें। फिर आपको मेरे अन्य कार्यक्रमों में शामिल होने की आवश्यकता है। यह कार्यक्रम तब है जब आप पहले ही ध्यान कर चुके हैं, लेकिन आप सीखना चाहते हैं कि ध्यान सत्र कैसे संचालित करें। किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के लिए जिसने पहले कभी ध्यान नहीं किया।

If you’re a Tarot reader, healer or any kind of Holistic Therapist. You might already be knowing this, that making people believe about Life and Positivity. Isn’t easy. And you’ll need to learn this. How to make people meditate, if you really want to bring lasting change in lives of people.

यदि आप टैरो रीडर, हीलर या किसी भी तरह के होलिस्टिक थेरेपिस्ट हैं। आप पहले से ही यह जान रहे होंगे, कि लोगों को जीवन और सकारात्मकता के बारे में विश्वास दिलाना; आसान नहीं है। और आपको यह सीखना होगा। यदि आप वास्तव में लोगों के जीवन में स्थायी परिवर्तन लाना चाहते हैं तो लोगों को ध्यान कैसे करें।

If you have meditated for sometime now, then think this. Think about how you were when you hadn’t started meditation. And compare your present self to the past you. Think how you have improved and evolved since then. do you realise now, how big Shift that is?! That’s because of meditation. So think about it, when you’ll start bring that level of shift in lives of people. How fulfilled you’re going to feel about your Profession.

अगर आपने अभी कुछ समय से ध्यान किया है, तो यह सोचें। इस बारे में सोचें कि जब आपने ध्यान शुरू नहीं किया था तो आप कैसे थे। और अपने वर्तमान स्वभाव की तुलना अपने अतीत से करें। सोचें कि तब से आपने कैसे सुधार और विकास किया है। क्या आपको अब एहसास हुआ कि वह कितनी बड़ी पाली है ?! वह ध्यान के कारण है। तो इसके बारे में सोचें, जब आप लोगों के जीवन में उस स्तर का बदलाव लाना शुरू करेंगे। आप अपने पेशे के बारे में कितना संतुष्ट महसूस करने जा रहे हैं।

This is the Reason why i have been telling you to join the Session since long, join now and get 85% discount. This discount willnot be available after30th Oct.
यही कारण है कि मैं आपको लंबे समय से सत्र में शामिल होने के लिए कह रहा हूं, अभी शामिल हों और 85% छूट प्राप्त करें। यह छूट 30 अक्टूबर के बाद नहीं मिलेगी।

Meditation is food for the soul. When you start conducting meditation sessions. you will never imagine the level of satisfaction you’ll have; when people benefit from your workshops.
ध्यान आत्मा के लिए भोजन है। जब आप ध्यान सत्र आयोजित करना शुरू करते हैं। आप कभी भी उस संतुष्टि के स्तर की कल्पना नहीं करेंगे जो आपको प्राप्त होगी; जब लोग आपकी कार्यशालाओं से लाभान्वित होते हैं।

You’re Special to me, so sending this Discount to you
आप मेरे लिए खास हैं, इसलिए आपको यह छूट भेज रहा हूं

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Program Happening in Hindi & English

 Meditation is the Food for the Soul, Learn how to teach Meditation to People 

Become a Meditation Instructor, join this program to create powerful meditations that give life changing results.This Program help’s you to Teach Meditation to total Beginner’s who have never Meditated.

ध्यान प्रशिक्षक बनें, शक्तिशाली ध्यान बनाने के लिए इस कार्यक्रम में शामिल हों जो जीवन को बदलने वाले परिणाम देते हैं। यह कार्यक्रम आपको कुल शुरुआती लोगों को ध्यान सिखाने में मदद करता है जिन्होंने कभी ध्यान नहीं किया है।

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For whom is this Program?

Are you a Coach Consultant, Healer or Tarot Reader? wanting to give Lasting Results to People? क्या आप कोच कंसल्टेंट, हीलर या टैरो रीडर हैं? लोगों को स्थायी परिणाम देना चाहते हैं?

Explaining n number of times what’s good and bad for people NEVER brings the shift in their Minds. लोगों के लिए क्या अच्छा है और क्या बुरा, इसकी कई बार व्याख्या करने से उनके दिमाग में कभी भी बदलाव नहीं आता है।

People have Patterns and Habits deeply ingrained inside their Sub-Conscious Mind. Which can be Released only after taking them into a deeper state.
लोगों के पैटर्न और आदतें उनके अवचेतन मन में गहराई से समाहित होती हैं। जिन्हें और गहरी अवस्था में ले जाकर ही छोड़ा जा सकता है।

Consciousness on our Planet is changing and Everybody needs to Evolve, so people who have Stopped Growing will get hit hardest.हमारे ग्रह पर चेतना बदल रही है और सभी को विकसित होने की जरूरत है, इसलिए जिन लोगों ने बढ़ना बंद कर दिया है, वे सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित होंगे।

Help to Life them up and Evolve by conducting Powerful Meditation Sessions. शक्तिशाली ध्यान सत्र आयोजित करके उन्हें जीवन देने और विकसित करने में मदद करें

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चाहे ऑनलाइन हो या ऑफलाइन, निर्दोष ध्यान सत्र आयोजित करें…

तो कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आप दुनिया के किसी भी हिस्से में हैं, आप ध्यान का संचालन करने में सक्षम होंगे…

चाहे आप हाउसवाइफ हों, 9 से 5 की नौकरी कर रही हों, बिजनेस पर्सन हों या फ्रेशर हों, जिन्होंने अभी तक काम नहीं किया है।

यह कार्यक्रम आपको परिवर्तनकारी ध्यान सीखने में मदद करेगा। चाहे इसके लोग हों जिन्होंने कभी ध्यान नहीं किया है, या बहुत कम धैर्य वाला कोई व्यक्ति लंबे सत्रों तक बैठने के लिए। हमने यह सब कवर किया है।

इस 5 दिवसीय कार्यक्रम में एक अच्छे ध्यान सत्र के नट और बोल्ट सीखें, एक अच्छा ध्यान प्रशिक्षक और लोगों को स्थायी परिणाम देना।

5-दिवसीय लाइव सत्रों में अभी शामिल हों।


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(Code valid till 9th Nov 5pm IST, discount will not be extended for anyone.

All people are special to me, I cannot be Partial to anyone)


Frequently Asked Questions –

Q1 – Who is this program for?
A – This is for Coaches, Trainers, Healers, Yoga teachers, tarot readers… in short for Spiritual Professionals who want to give Lasting results to their clients. Because no amount of advice ever is considered and followed. Even by the wisest of people.
Q1 – यह कार्यक्रम किसके लिए है?
A- यह प्रशिक्षकों, प्रशिक्षकों, चिकित्सकों, योग शिक्षकों, टैरो पाठकों के लिए है … संक्षेप में आध्यात्मिक पेशेवरों के लिए जो अपने ग्राहकों को स्थायी परिणाम देना चाहते हैं। क्योंकि सलाह की किसी भी राशि पर कभी विचार नहीं किया जाता है और उसका पालन नहीं किया जाता है। यहां तक कि सबसे बुद्धिमान लोगों द्वारा भी।

Q2 – This is for Beginner’s?
A – This Program will teach you how to conduct meditation for beginners, so yes that way it will teach you Beginner Level Meditation.
Q2 – यह शुरुआती के लिए है?
A- यह कार्यक्रम आपको शुरुआती लोगों के लिए ध्यान का संचालन करना सिखाएगा, तो हाँ इस तरह यह आपको शुरुआती स्तर का ध्यान सिखाएगा।

Q3 – So there’s another master level or advanced Level course also coming after this?
A – Well to be honest India being economically backward country, it feels weird to do something just to earn money. So for now I am not sure if there’s anything else I would like to bring in a master level or advanced level course.
Q3 – तो इसके बाद एक और मास्टर स्तर या उन्नत स्तर का पाठ्यक्रम भी आ रहा है?
A- सच कहूं तो भारत आर्थिक रूप से पिछड़ा देश होने के कारण सिर्फ पैसा कमाने के लिए कुछ करना अजीब लगता है। तो अभी के लिए मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि क्या कुछ और है जो मैं मास्टर स्तर या उन्नत स्तर के पाठ्यक्रम में लाना चाहता हूं।

Q4 – What is Bonus Course about?
A4 – Bonus Course is about Learning how to create amazing affirmations, that will give everlasting results. People need solid solutions when they come to you for advice. So they aren’t going to follow something, that doesn’t have guaranteed results.
This Program will teach you how to give Guaranteed Results with your Affirmations.
Q4 – बोनस कोर्स किस बारे में है?
A4 – बोनस कोर्स अद्भुत प्रतिज्ञान बनाने का तरीका सीखने के बारे में है, जो हमेशा के लिए परिणाम देगा। जब लोग आपके पास सलाह के लिए आते हैं तो उन्हें ठोस समाधान की आवश्यकता होती है। इसलिए वे किसी ऐसी चीज का अनुसरण नहीं करने जा रहे हैं, जिसके परिणाम की गारंटी न हो।
यह प्रोग्राम आपको सिखाएगा कि अपनी पुष्टि के साथ गारंटीड परिणाम कैसे दें।


This Program will not happen Live again and again like how my Tarot Program happens, so if you’re Interested in attending Live Sessions. This is the Right time.
Plus Next time this Program will cost you more then what’s it costing this time.

I know talking about money always hurts, but in life doing anything Costs money. Doing good work also costs money. If you say “no” to this, then you’ll be the most ignorant person of this planet.
यह प्रोग्राम बार-बार लाइव नहीं होगा जैसे मेरा टैरो प्रोग्राम कैसे होता है, इसलिए यदि आप लाइव सत्र में भाग लेने के इच्छुक हैं। यह सही समय है।
साथ ही अगली बार इस कार्यक्रम की कीमत आपको अधिक होगी, इस बार इसकी कीमत क्या है।

मुझे पता है कि पैसे के बारे में बात करना हमेशा दुख देता है, लेकिन जीवन में कुछ भी करने के लिए पैसे खर्च होते हैं। अच्छा काम करने में पैसा भी खर्च होता है। यदि आप इसे “नहीं” कहते हैं, तो आप इस ग्रह के सबसे अज्ञानी व्यक्ति होंगे।

PS – If you have any questions about this Program, reply to this email and ask.
पुनश्च – यदि इस कार्यक्रम के बारे में आपके कोई प्रश्न हैं, तो इस ईमेल का उत्तर दें और पूछें।


If you have any queries or doubts do reply to this mail and ask me.

– Shree Preeti

यदि आप ये हिंदी में पढ़ना चाहते है, तो यहाँ देखें CLICK HERE

 This Video & Post isn’t about Bragging about how many Crystal Collection I have or how many I have. While I was filming this video, I realised that I had bought way too many crystals then I need. So I have decided to give away a lot of crystals that are just unused. 

Keep reading this post till the end to know how to buy these crystals from me… Just because Im decluttering my collection, Im giving away at a very low price. 

Do you want to see my crystal collection? Its not huge according to me, because I have seen crystal collectors crazier then me lol. But yes these are some crystals I have collected in past 12+years. You don’t need to have this big collection yourself. This video is just made for fun.

If you want to learn how to Cleanse Crystals GO HERE

If you to know which Crystals are used to Attract Money GO HERE

If you want to Learn Crystal Therapy GO HERE

Buy Crystal anklet

Buy Crystal Sets

Buy New Crystals – GO HERE

यदि आप ये हिंदी में पढ़ना चाहते है, तो यहाँ देखें CLICK HERE

I have been asked this number of times to share the Reason why I put the bindi/ tilak

on my forehead. So here’s the video for it. I have shared in details about WHY to put , WHEN to start putting and DIFFERENT MATERIALS that can be used for putting tilak 

Tilak putting is actually considered auspicious according to Indian Traditions, yet in modern times people have changed the tilak. Sticky bindies and artificial colours are used to adorn the forehead. But Traditional materials give more authentic results, energy wise. When Tilak is put regularly.

Watch this video carefully and take notes, I have tried to put in effort for bindi and its materials. Ofcourse there are a lot of material that are left out. So make sure you don’t think this video has all the info in the world.

Remember putting bindi, using crystals all helps with protection. But that doesn’t mean you keep treading on dangerous grounds. If you have necessary equipment to help with burns, you still wont go and keep burning yourself and putting your life in danger wont you? Keeping Energy Clean is necessary too.

Tell me what do you think about this, do you also believe in putting Tilak? Would you put tilak regularly? Let me know in comments

यदि आप ये हिंदी में पढ़ना चाहते है, तो यहाँ देखें CLICK HERE

October month is about to begin and you might be curious how this month is going to be for you. So here I bring for you Free Tarot Reading, to help quench your thirst for what will happen, how it will happen etc.

Do you want to know how this October month is going to go for you? Plus how to take better steps such that you can Carve a better life for you in this month. Watch this video. Select one option and watch its corresponding video from time stamps given. In this reading you have to pick one card

Priti has been Reading Tarot since 2005, and she always likes to help people with Right Guidance.

Remember – Monthly Readings are not just Predictions. Because if you dont do anything, nothing will happen. Yes you will keep downgrading in your life. So to take actions, to actively participate in life is necessary. Doing better and more positive karmas is necessary.

How to Select one Option?

In the video you’ll be shown clip of options, select one option that attracts you, pulls your attention, grabs your eyeballs. And watch its corresponding video from Time Stamps given below this video.

Once you have selected the Option, watch its corresponding video.

Time Stamps – 

  1. @3:12
  2. @13:27
  3. @25:09
  4. @33:08

#pickacard #tarotreading #monthlyprediction #october2022 

Just in case you’re interested in knowing the decks that I have used in this video. Then check this…

Decks used in this Reading – 

Illuminated Tarot by Kaitilin Keegan

Lo Scarabeo Tarot 

Bhagwad Gita Cards 

Masters mystics and saints by Margaret Ann Lembo

Atlantis Cards by Diana Cooper

How to Become a Spiritual Professional?

If you're Struggling to make your Spiritual Passion into a Full time or Part Time Profession, such that it brings a Healthy Income for you and your Family. Then you need to watch this video and read this entire post.

Are you a Tarot Reader, Oracle Card Reader, Healer, Crystal Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Astrologer and want to make this into your Part-time or full-Time Profession? Remember Learning all these Different Methods and Successfully Practicing them. As a Professional are two different Things.

Do you think being Talented is equal to having or earning a lot of money? NOT Exactly. There are so many Talented people lying jobless at their homes. And there are so many millionaires who aren't much on the talent end. So what Exactly is needed to bring in money?

Price Rs. 59,999/- INR or $809 USD
Use 50OFF Code to get 50% Discount

*All Payments are non-Refundable. EMI not Available.

Business and Spiritual Business both are Different
Strategies are different for Both!

Also some people feel learning Tarot, Healing, Hypnosis, Yoga etc in itself in so holy and sacred. That it will pull people automatically as paying clients. Well thats also a myth or disbelief. I have experienced this for years. Until few years back when I was forced to think out of the box. And Learn Business and Strategies that work, in the Spiritual Community. Not all Business Courses will be able to Teach you what will work for Your SPIRITUAL BUSINESS. And so sadly lot of People take a number of Business courses and later on realise this. Im sharing this with you here, so that you don't waste your money.

Price Rs. 59,999/- INR or $809 USD
Use 50OFF Code to get 50% Discount

*All Payments are non-Refundable. EMI not Available.

Learning Tarot, Healing, Yoga is one thing...
Running a Successful Spiritual Business is another!

People around me had started making fun of me, saying enough of this day dreaming. If you seriously want to make money, go do a proper job. But I wanted to make this my job, I wanted to make money where I was really helping people. I didn't want to do a job that made me feel empty
and vague. So I stayed put on my Dream.
I wanted to make this work from the Core of my Heart. So knew I was not on the Wrong Path. But yet I knew I wasn't taking the Right Steps. Which was making my Business Suffer
And finally made it into a Full time Booming business.

Today I am like Experienced for 17+ yrs in Tarot, 13+years in Spiritual Business. I have reached people globally. Given my services and classes to people worldwide through my online classes and sessions. People from India, Nepal, SriLanka, Pakistan, USA, UK,Canada, Australia, Singapore, Germany. Malaysia, Paris etc to name a few.
This is the First time I am conducting this Program, and while other People doing business classes always charge Rs. 50,000+ I have decided to give you a little discount.

✨Join me in this 10 Day LIVE Program. This is going to be one of a kind. And I will be teaching all I know and follow for my own Business Success. I have been into Spiritual Profession since 2009 and found it really difficult to keep my business on and running. Cash flow as biggest problem. People always felt because its Spiritual Service, I need to give for free. Or take low fees as token. 🚫

Price Rs. 59,999/- INR or $809 USD
Use 50OFF Code to get 50% Discount

*All Payments are non-Refundable. EMI not Available.

Ive SpentLakhs of Rupees on Business Programs, Not Every Strategy people Teach, works for spiritual Business. ​🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

If you have the same problem, then this will be Life Saver for your Business. 🔋
💻Remember you’ll need to put in Hard Work. And work for at least 4 to 5hrs daily. If you want to make this Spiritual Profession of yours to work as a Full Time Professional. You need to Join this Program As soon as Possible.
Remember the Sooner you start Applying the Right Strategies. The Sooner your Business will Succeed.

Price Rs. 59,999/- INR or $809 USD
Use 50OFF Code to get 50% Discount

*All Payments are non-Refundable. EMI not Available.

Spirituality is there and truth is already existing whether you believe in it or not. Still it remains the same. Check out the facts of Spiritual Reality…



#spiritualreality #facts #soulspurpose #pritu #bigday #today #spiritual #mahadev #powerful #blessings #mahashivratri

27th January

How to know Right from Wrong? 

Do you take decisions and regret later just because you did it all wrong? and do you want to know how to always be right? Watch this video now… 



#right #wrong #howtoknow

Power of Silence 

Do you have the habit of talking a lot? People who talk a lot have the tendency to leak out important secrets, or just talk rubbish that might actually ruin your image. Check out these points why Silence is important



#powerofsilence #silence #isgolden #quiet #introverts 

Pick a Card: Get Answer to your Question(Timeless) 

Do you have a question that you cannot ask to others, but want to know its answer? Check out this pick a card reading and see what is the answer to that question. Focus your attention on all the options and select one option that pulls your attention… 


  1. Orange Flower – @2:09, 2. Tape – @11:57, 3. White Flower – @17:47, 4. Bottle – @24;00 


  1. orange flower-  @2:10, 2. Tape – @10:08, 3. White Flower @15:41, 4 Bottle @20:50 

#pickacard #tarot #reading #questions #answer #pritu #soulspurpose 

10 Best Spiritual Books for your Hungry Mind

Do you want to Read some amazing books that will escalate your Spiritual Growth? Books fill up the cravings of your mind, that can’t be fulfilled by anything else… So make sure you start reading today


#books #best #spiritual 

Why Men are at Risk to Mental Blockages in Old Age?

Men from 55 to 60 yrs of age have a typical problem, they become too negative and resentful. That people around them may have problem coping with them. Check out this video… 

Hindi – 

English – 

#man #oldage #negative #blockages #pritu #soulspurpose 

Are you Ready to pay the Price to Achieve your Dreams? 

How to Give Time and Energy in direction from where you expect return. And how to Let go where you want to achieve something 

Hindi – 

English – 

#dream #achieve #howto #payprice