Priti B. Kansara

 Yearly Tarot Reading for your Sun Sign, means it will be based on your date of birth and not your name. So see the video that applies to your Date of birth. 

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

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Hindi – 

Taurus  (April 20-May 20)

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Gemini  (May 21-June 20)

English – 

Hindi – 

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

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Hindi – 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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Hindi – 

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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Hindi – 

Libra (September 23-October 22)

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Hindi – 

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

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Hindi – 

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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Hindi – 

Capricorn  (December 22-January 19)

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Hindi – 

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

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Hindi – 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

English – 

Hindi –

11 Secrets to Steadily Progress on Path of Spirituality

I have been into Spirituality since quite some time, and while being a Student as well as while being a Coach I have found some absolutely absurd stuff, which people believe to be "followed". I will be sharing here all such crap, which is not just blocking your Progress. Its also delaying your Spiritual Progress.
And there's a Reason why Im sharing this with you, its because there are people who have half info on things and they try to Preach as if they're all knowers. So if you follow that piece of advice chances are you may delay and block your progress even further. Which you cannot afford, as your Life Purpose depends on it.

All these 11 Secrets/ points that matter..

1. Cut the Crap...

This is where most get confused and drowned, if you get too much into this; chances are you'll feel too overwhelmed and stressed to start and continue your practice. And chances are you'll give up soon.

The Right Food

A lot of People get too much into this or not at all.
Right Food and Wrong Food, Saatvic Food/ Rajasic Food and Tamasic Food, Good Food Bad Food.

And then you start judging people by their Food choices. Well food is what is different for everybody. There's Vegan diet but its not for everyone. There's non-Vegetarian diet but its not for everyone. There's fruit-eatarian, juice-only diet, Raw Vegan diet, etc.

Don't think too much just follow the Balanced diet rule, and keep following it.

The Right Clothing

This is the Second Biggest tripping and falling point. Most people read a lot of books and lot of information before starting their spiritual Practice.
Its like a Kindergarten kid given University level mathematics problems, and the kids mind will give up. Same thing will happen to you, you too will give up if you can't wear your Special Yogic Clothes daily while Meditating.
You may also feel meditating in some other normal day to day clothes is like a sin and should be totally avoided.
Bottomline is wear whatever you have, sticking your butt on that meditation mat is important.

The Right Surroundings

Your surroundings matter a lot while Meditating, and more then that... Its how much you're concerned about "What's happening in your Surroundings?" is more important.
If you are near some noisy market, but still don't give a shit about it. Those surroundings won't matter.
This again is a huge hindrance that you may makeup in your mind. Waiting for everything in your surroundings to quieten down, well that may NEVER happen in any Eternity!
So try to Meditate with all your Heart and Mind whenever you have time. Don't wait for perfect ambience.

The Right Mindset

People ask me this, "Priti how can you actually meditate...? I just can't get past my thoughts"
Well for that, You meditate so that you can get into a Thoughtless state.
You don't need to be in the Thoughtless state so that you can Meditate. 😂 Your mind is going to be a MESS when you'll be advised to begin Meditating.
And yes it will be an Effort initially when you're a beginner. Even people who meditate for years have this problem... Thoughts not letting you just focus on the Meditation.
Well its this flaw that you are to master, when you regularly Meditate.

2. Blockages are going to Open surely...

Having a Body that doesn't have any Blockages, doesn't Exist on this planet. And so be prepared for opening blockages one after the other when you begin working on your Chakras, begin Meditating, wor on your Kundalini.... in short when you get into Spirituality.

Use EFT to Release Mental Emotional Blocks

This is an amazing technique to help you release emotional and mental blockages. Remember sometimes the Physical pain that you experience in your body also comes from Blockages.
And EFT can help you with effectively remove these blocks. I had made a video on this sometime back, do check it out. See knowing the technique is a thing, and using it whenever you get troubled by your blocks is another. So USE the technique when you need help.
This technique has to be applied several times a month to help remove the discomfort you're feeling.

Learn to bring yourself out of Shit

I have also seen this one weakness or drawback in Spiritual People. There's no doubt that suffering through several Problems makes you drift towards Spirituality to find more answers.
But I have seen people have a notion, you may feel just because you've suffered lot of problems then what normal people do. God/ Divine beings are supposed to come personally to lift you out of the shit you have created for yourself.
Well if you believe that too, remember that that's NEVER gonna happen. You'll keep waiting and chances are that problems will keep increasing.
So learn to get out of Soup Yourself!

Loving yourself and taking care of yourself will Help

As I mentioned earlier if you have gone through a Lot of problems, you'll automatically be attracted to spirituality. And going through a lot of problems will make you not like yourself. As you know that you've created this for yourself
But know this, this journey will be smoother when you have "self-Love". If you keep hating yourself, your system isn't going to create good vibes for you.
You need to cultivate self-acceptance and self-love to bring all the Universal love towards you.
Practicing affirmation "I love and accept myself"
Daily at bedtime and wakeup time, will help you.

Being Judgemental

The most underrated

Being judgemental is what's most underrated. Everybody has developed this habit of judging the good/ bad in people. Whether it be their character, the goodness, the being helpful or something else.
Everybody always keeps judging until the same judgement happens with you. Only then you'll realise how wrong you were in judging others.
Well even after knowing this, there still will be times when you'll be judging. And may not realise it until its too late. But when you realise it, learn to forgive others. Try to leave a positive impressum on other's minds, then the prick of judgement.

Expectations vs Reality

You'll never get what you want

What I have seen many people doing is EXPECTING results and siddhi's from their Spiritual Practices.
Let me tell you what you Expect, you will never get. And what you've never expected will happen with you.
So in that case expecting some spiritual experience that you read somewhere on the internet, is not going to happen to you. And what's actually meant for you, what's tailor made according to your energy will be done for you.
Also you'll get the Best Experiences when you've not expected anything at all. And nothing at all when you've expected a ton of Goodness.

Ego will make your Path Difficult

Your Enemy is inside you

The most damaging thing that can happen to you. You may even stop your Spiritual journey because of this. Its your EGO. The little false entity inside you. That makes you feel whatever thoughts and arguments it gives you are always correct.
And I have seen the best way its gets you, is by Criticising your Spiritual Coach or Guru.
Most of people usually give up after they feel their Guru isn't upto the Mark. Remember anyone in the Materialistic dimension will not be perfect, including your Guru. So stop expecting an Immortal Godly person.

Applying Wisdom

Apply what you Learn

The most damaging thing that can happen to you. You may even stop your Spiritual journey because of this. Its your EGO. The little false entity inside you. That makes you feel whatever thoughts and arguments it gives you are always correct.
And I have seen the best way its gets you, is by Criticising your Spiritual Coach or Guru.
Most of people usually give up after they feel their Guru isn't upto the Mark. Remember anyone in the Materialistic dimension will not be perfect, including your Guru. So stop expecting an Immortal Godly person.

Body and Health

You are not Immortal & Invincible

A lot of people when begin with Spirituality will start behaving weird way, they'll neglect their Body Health, Normal Sleep etc. Thinking their Spiritual Practices will keep them Healthy no matter what.
I know you might have read a lot about Miraculous Yogi's who has walked on water, lived without sleeping, lived without food for 1000's of years. But you are not following the Yogic path they've followed. You don't even know what they did inorder to live extraordinarily like that. So better not experiment on your health like that.

You'll need Food

Spirituality is also not a Replacement for Food

I have also heard some very absurd stuff about Food, you eat whatever you wish. Your body will create whatever nutrition is needed, from the crap you've eaten.
This is like putting garbage in a truck and pulling out Gold and Diamonds. I expect you not to be dreamy and fantasising with your food also.
Eat a healthy balanced diet. And visit a doctor when needed. I suggest you Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Naturopathy for chronic issues. And Allopathy for Acute illnesses.
Im aware about Khechari Mudra and Saints who have survived without Food. You aren't there yet.

Make Best use of your Time

Everybody around won't think like you

When you start practicing Spirituality and Meditation. After a while Gossiping, abiding by outdated customs and traditions will seem useless. Well this is the purpose of Spirituality. It always helps you to grow better.
Try to make best use of your Time by Reading good stuff, Chanting, Meditation whenever you have Extra time. Its likely that when nothing else works in life, you're drawn to spirituality. So why waste the Extra Time that Universe has provided you.
Its Gold it won't come back. So utilise it now.

Brahma Muhurta

make most of Magical Hour

People Mostly wait for being told what to do, what's working what's not working. And waiting for the right guidance, waiting for the right gesture; will make you overlook what's already available to you.
Meditating at the Brahm Muhurta is a Golden Opportunity that's given to you daily. Which you might be missing on till now.
Brahm Muhurt is exactly 96 minutes before sunrise. And it will last for 48minutes. And to be Precise the time of sunrise will increase by a minute after Summer Solstice. And will Decrease by 1min every few days after the Winter Solstice.

Sansaari Life

Life with Family is Best

Lot of people want to run away from Family to progress Spiritually. This maybe because of Temporary problems with family or life in general.
Well running away from problems doesn't help. And if you have constant problems, then it is a sign to turn within. To wipe away unwanted programming that's bringing the nasty pain in your life.
Life is full of Surprises, we neglect that and live JUST A MATERIALISTIC LIFE. Which itself is full of ignorance. So Universe has to splash you with some problems to bring you on your Soul Path.
Living a family life rather then life of mendicant is more suitable for Steady Progress in Spirituality. Lord Krishna has said this too in The Bhagwad Gita.

Two days back I had posted something about Feeding the soul, here goes the Post…

And this post got a lot of comments about “how to actually feed the Soul”, “What to Feed your Soul with?” This is the reason why Im writing today’s Post. Now let me tell you doing this is a task. You may just keep on endlessly trying to make ends meet, when you are doing nothing to do what the Soul needs. And so always keep struggling in life and never get the results that you desire.

Here we’ll get into how to Feed your Soul, and what to Feed your Soul with..

How to Feed your Soul? And what to Feed your Soul with?

Soul is a Spiritual entity inside you, and it cannot be fed with burgers and juice(all that crap) that you feed your body with. Soul needs Energy as food, Energy thats pure and that nourishes it. Its a surprising fact isn’t it, that Soul cannot be fed with shit. There are couple of unhealthy and dangerous foods that aren’t good for your Body but you still have them. But that same thing cannot be done with Soul. The Nourishment for Soul is Clean and clear. No fluff.

So you may ask for what duration this needs to be done – For that, you’ll have to do it till you want to Nurture your Soul

Praying and Believing in God..

God is what your Soul is a Part of, and so Connecting with God is like replenishing your soul with its food. Like recharging batteries. People who believe in God and Pray to God regularly are believed to Live life more Peacefully and Happily.

There is a huge fraction of people who question God’s authority, question why there’s problems in life when there is God. Well doubting God’s existence is harmful to you, it doesn’t make any difference to God. Earlier I used to teach about connecting with different beings, but then I too stopped that. As that makes you believe in “other stuff” rather than God. The reason is only this, I didn’t want to take you on any other path then believing in God.

2. Doing Good Karma –

Donating money, food, blood, your help, time and energy to help people in need. This is the most misunderstood thing, donating when you have extra will always have a replenishing effect on your Soul. So inorder to have extra you need to first start working on your Purpose, and save a fraction of your earnings every month to “donate”.

But donating when you don’t have much, will scar your soul. People tell me on my video comments “Priti, you must be donating all your money you earn”, well dude you cannot Donate everything you have/ earn. That will run your soul dry and you’ll start feeling starved and devoid. God gave you this birth to fulfil your purpose. While you do that you are also nourishing your life as well as the planet. Remember…

You cannot Nurture others, unless you are living a Comfortable life.

You cannot Give Happily to other’s unless you have enough to Provide for your Family..

– Prituzz

3. Walking on Path of your Purpose

Walking on the path of your Purpose is the Single MOST Nourishing thing. Most people forget their Purpose and just crazily want to run after earning money. That’s what you’re born for? Earning a Lot of Money?

Well Earning and owning a lot of Money isn’t wrong in itself. Having enough money is actually good because it doesn’t make your soul feel devoid of good things and dry. But aiming to earn a lot of money before you start working is definitely wrong! You need to first aim on “How you want to Serve?” Then in return if you are being loaded with money, there’s nothing wrong.

4. Meditations, Devotional Songs of Divine will help Nourish your Soul..

Prayers whether you say them out loud or say silently within your heart. Are Equally nourishing and fulfilling for your Soul. God doesn’t want a pompous Worship or $1000’s worth of donations. He just wants your connection. Like how you need Him for everything in life, God also needs you for Love. Connect using Prayers, Meditation over your God, Singing or listening to Devotional songs/prayers of God.

(When I say God I mean the Ultimate God who created all of us, you may call him Jesus, Krishna, Allah, Buddha… or any other name. Yet God is one. He loves everyone equally)

5. Meditation

Meditations are a real turn-around, when you Meditate you can actually feel God and be one with him. Living in the materialistic world may make you doubt God’s existence, but meditating will help you feel that Presence of God.

Meditation helps to clear out the day to day debris that you collect in your mind, body and soul. Most of meditations that you may come across are just focused on material things. Not those one’s we’re talking about, you need Meditations that are focused on your soul.

Just because you collect debris on day to day level, so daily meditation practice is a must. And please don’t ask me “Till when do you have to meditate?”. You have to meditate till you want to keep your Soul Nourished.

6. Letting your Creativity Flow

You do this by pondering over your Real likes and dislikes, what makes you happy. See what you’d like to do to create something phenomenal. It can be something as simple as a ceramic vase, organic juices, planting trees, writing programs, designing dresses, teaching etc. What’s your inner calling, whats making you long for doing something worth.

When you constantly go through the day to day grind, yeah the Rat race thing. You loose touch of your real-self. And so day by day you’ll start feeling more and more shitty, your bitterness will increase. Not just bringing dissatisfaction for yourself, but you’ll also become a bug for others. And to undo all that, that you’ve created since years. You need to take some time off and introspect what is it that you’d like to create. Remember creation is never negative.

You are born to CREATE something via your Energy, inputs, talents, work. When you become a stereotype worker, where your inner soul is staying unquenched of giving fully. Then too you’ll feel starved even though you might be working overtime.

7. Being Good towards yourself

There’s nothing more Toxic for your Soul, then you hating yourself, self-sabotaging, guilt, hatred all because you did some mistakes in past that you shouldn’t have done. Though doing wrong does also fade your light, but repenting over and cursing yourself over years will definitely dull your soul. Which you shouldn’t be doing.

Make sure that whenever you see yourself beating yourself up, you gather up yourself. “Forgive yourself” and move on, make changes to your habits and actions. Remember your habits create you, so habits that have repeatedly brought bad results. Should be discontinued. Work on polishing yourself and evolving rather than beating yourself down.

So that’s it for Soul Nurturing, let me know how did you like this post. If there’s anything you need help with, please leave in comments. I will see you again next time. Till then bye, and take care of yourself.

  • Priti

Do you get Irritated about something, others are doing or having?

Did this quote rattle your mind? go ahead and know why, and how to deal with it...

In this case there are 2 things that can happen, either you will realise that you have a flaw that you dislike in others. Or you'll feel that you keep yourself perfect with certain things so well, that when other's are lousy about it; will make you feel irritated.

And you'd like to know what to do about it, in both the cases?

Example 1 -

So this is the first case, where you may yourself have weight issues, you maybe overweight. And when you see that other's have the same issue, it bugs you. Because its the thing that you have not been able to resolve yourself.
This can also apply to habits, maybe habit of smoking. You smoke yourself and haven't been able to stop that addiction. So when you see smokers you get irritated by their habit.
The smoking or the weight reminds you of your own weakness or failure of overcoming of the habit/ condition. That you get that feeling.

So whats next, how to deal with it?

To overcome this irritation you need to start working on yourself. Use EFT to resolve the "irritation" such that the scale comes down to 0 or 1. If you don't know how to use EFT then go here

Example 2 -

So in this second example it is not your weakness, its your strength. Your strength in some area is so well, that when you see other's weak in that situation/ area. You get bugged.
For example - you are a Fashion Freak, you like to dress up well. Pair up shoes well with accessories and your attire. But when you see other's shabbily dressed; it bugs you.

This can also be your perfection in any other area, like being very good at mathematics. And when you see others weak with maths. You get irritated or start hating that person.

So how do you Deal with this?

In this case you need Forgiveness and Acceptance. Here there's nothing wrong with you, but not able to accept people lesser then you is definitely a thing. You can again affirm

"I accept this person, I accept that everybody cannot be perfect like me, I accept the uniqueness in this person"

Also you can help other's enlighten or give knowledge about what you have perfection for, that will give them the knowledge. And help them make better. Remember not everyone will be fashion oriented or would like to be perfect.

Giving them a choice whether they want to learn this from you, should be offered compassionately. If they choose to accept then heartily give them the knowledge and tips(I think you'll love doing this). And if they deny the offer, its still a lesson for you.

"Learn to Accept People the way they are, with what they Like"
Thats Diversity of Life

So this is what I had to say for this post, does it answer your Question? If not, please post your concern in comments below. I will try to fit it into this post, if I find it different then what's mentioned here. Thank you for reading...

It's a different thing to be bugged by things in life, and its a totally different thing to actually want to improve oneself from that. Not everyone who saw this Quote, thought of changing their "irritating feeling". You thought of it, and so you are are a step ahead then the others; you care about how to think and feel. And want to be better in life. Reading the post till here, proves that.

Keep up the enthusiasm of Life Improvement and Personal Improvement! Because life is about constantly improving self to improve life. Only then you can expect better things to happen in life. If you feel this will help others, do share this post with them too. Until then...

See you next time, bye

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the 80-20 Principle – The Pareto Law

Do you know that 80% of the world’s money is owned by 20% of people, and 80% of population owns only 20% of total world’s money? How is that? This pattern repeats itself in all 

Hindi ––lHO9PTBxc 

English – 

#8020 #paretolaw #principle #richbecomericher #soulspurpose #prituzz 

How to Re-Program your Sub-Conscious Mind?

When constant negative information is fed in your mind, all that accumulates as gunk inside your subconscious and tips energy. This blob will now stoop you from progressing, as significant amount of energy is trapped there “non-functional” 

Hindi – 

English – 

#reprogramming #subconscious

What to Look in a Life Partner? 

Have you ever wondered what should be the first thing you should look for in your life partner? Many people who choose randomly will realise later that it wasn’t enough. 

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English – 

#lifepartner #whattolook #reallove #truelove #perfectpair #happilyeverafter #soulspurpose #prituzz 

Aries (March 21-April 19)

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Taurus  (April 20-May 20)

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Gemini  (May 21-June 20)

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Cancer (June 21-July 22)

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Hindi –  

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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Libra (September 23-October 22)

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Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

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Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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Capricorn  (December 22-January 19)

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Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

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Pisces (February 19-March 20)

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Love Reading: Where will we go from here? Pick a Card(TIMELESS)

Love reading where is your relationship going from here, what is the nest thing happening to your relationship. Check this video.. 

Hindi – 

Time Stamps – Part1- 1:53, Part2- 13:07, Part3- 23:51, part4- 32:31

English – 

Time Stamps – Part1Red- 2:26, Blue- 10:35, Part3/yellow – 17:58, Part4/ green – 26:20

Let me know in the comments how much does this “Love Reading” resonate with you.

#lovereading #tarot #angelreading #tarotreaderindia #soulspurpose #prituzz 

BioRhythms are your body’s natural Rhythms that keeps you in tune with the Universe. BioRhythms that affect the Universe also are connected with you through your date of birth. And they can depict when you feel good, when you feel bad, when can be a time when you are extremely lucky and when is the time when you might be prone to accidents. Well I know I am about to reveal some SERIOUS stuff to you. And seeing into my Profession as a Tarot Reader you might feel why am I telling you or showing you a tool like this? Because once you have this tool you might not need my Tarot Readings for life, or even better you might not need to see any future-teller for life!

This tool is Accurate, Precise and if you have the correct knowledge to use it, you can strike on Luck all the time and can avoid mishaps altogether. Well as the saying goes…

Awareness is the GREATEST Agent for Change

– Eckhart Tolle

Also to be really Honest, I haven’t designed this system. Its somebody else’s work on Biorhythms that I am praising here. This is the same guy who predicted the Death of Michael Jackson 10days earlier. And then got into trouble because the Federal agents pried into this man’s life, broke into his house; thinking he had a hand in the murder of MJ.

I have been wanting to share this tool with you, as I know everyone of us is looking for something like this. Do you want to know the days when you will feel really good, you’ll be at your physical best such that you can experience good immunity, strength and power in your body? Would you like to know when you might get vulnerable to infections and diseases? Would you like to know when you seem to be “lucky” such that you are more likely to hit a jackpot if you get into playing a lotto? Or when to avoid getting a lotto, to avoid loosing money? All of this is possible through your body’s BioRhythms!

A Sample of how a BioRhythm Chart looks like!

I know you would like to know your future, and be well informed of good and bad coming in your life in future. What if I told you that day by day report of your BioRhythms can help you to be aware when to transact to get best results, when to propose to get a favourable answer, when to step out or when to cancel all your plans to avoid a possible accident or mishap, or even Death!I know this sounds unreal, but your body’s Biorhythms can help you with all this. And its pretty accurate, I too have tried it and know its really good. A Woman saved her and her family’s life when she cancelled her flight and later found that the flight had crashed. Body’s BioRhythms are a perfect answer for day by day reports which help you to decide when to take important steps and when to refrain from doing something important. Now be aware this is in English only, so if you can handle that. You’ll be more than grateful that I shared this with you.

Check out Video here

I know this video is a little lengthy, but if you have the time for it. Then its time well invested for your future. As well as your Family’s future.

So look into this and go ahead and take the Lifetime Subscription, as I feel its the best DEAL for your and your Family’s safe future. 😊

If the above link doesn’t work, than go here 👉🏾 CLICK HERE