8 must have books on your shelf!

You can heal your life by Louise Hay This book is a timeless classic and a must must must have on your bookshelf. If you dont know why, here’s the reason. This book teaches you how to deal with problems in your life without being hard on yourself. This book is the magical book, according to me. It helps to open doors in your mind where there was only closed and confined thinking. This book has an invaluable resource, at its back. It has a list of all the diseases that are commonly found on our planet. Then it has the negative thoughts that cause those diseases, and then the net column is the positive affirmations that will help to remove the disease. Isn’t it mind blowing? Yeah, and its not just fluff, it really works. I do suggest a lot of things from that book to my clients to work on to improve their lives.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne The great book that took the world by a storm in 2006 after its release. This book teaches you how anything that is happening in your life, why it is happening and how it is happening. This book tell you why some good and bad things happen to you. There’s no magic inside, its just pure science that works behind to bring things into existence into our life. It not only eplains why and how some good or bad things happen but it also explains how to get the things that you have always longed for in your life. Shows some awesome case studies where these principles were applied and the desired results were achieved.

The science of getting rich by Wallace Wattles- This is a must read book for every human on this planet. As living here needs money and this book will help you clear out your blocks related to money. If you feel money is bad, or trying to earn more money is sinful then you gotta read this book. Your life is stuck if you have misconceptions related to money. And your misbeliefs for money will make you earn lesser money and live in limitations. Get your hands on this book, it will change your way you think about money. Money lovers aren’t bad. After all having more money will help you to give more, spread more help and happiness and contribute more to the needy.

The power of Now by Eckhart Tolle- The power of now is the awesome book that is essential part of understanding why living in the now is important. Crying over the past and fearing over the future is what everyone does, but that’s not what we are meant to do. Living and thinking always about past and future steals the current opportunity from us of living in the present. This book also tells us about how eckhart tolle the author came out of his 14 year old depression, after he got recurrent thoughts about suicide.

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill As the title suggests this book teaches you how you can think and grow rich. This book will help you to understand that richness is not only limited to money. Abundance is having enough of everything that we have in our life. Health, wealth etc, everything that we want and need is always within out control. We can bring our dreams into reality, its a old classic that I feel is a must read for everyone.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho – A fable by Paulo Coelho that teaches us that dreams are really achievable, what’s impossible can also become possible if we believe in it. It shows us what the power of belief can do for us. Following your heart and not letting the chaotic worldly logic cover your mind. I read this book and its simply magical, it brings tears to your eyes. And you won’t feel like putting it down until its read fully.

Power of Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy – This book is another book that is like a must-have book for each one of us. I know like I am saying this for almost every book Ive mentioned here. But its alctually true. You need to read this book to unlock the power of subconscious mind. Its available just for 100 bucks and yet is like a treasure. If you have been having vomplains from life since years and years without finding any visible reason for it, neither a solution for it; then you must read this book.

The Power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale – As the name suggests this book tells you how the power of positive thinking shapes your life and future into a better way. Life isn’t some piece of worthless time on this planet, where you just ‘pass your time’ by endlessly doing some kind of shit just so that you feel good for a moment. Life is the biggest and most invaluable gift that we have. And its meant to be lived with reason. When you just live with positive thoughts you not only make your life better but you also pass this vibe to the people around you.

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