11 Secrets to Steadily Progress on Path of Spirituality

I have been into Spirituality since quite some time, and while being a Student as well as while being a Coach I have found some absolutely absurd stuff, which people believe to be "followed". I will be sharing here all such crap, which is not just blocking your Progress. Its also delaying your Spiritual Progress.
And there's a Reason why Im sharing this with you, its because there are people who have half info on things and they try to Preach as if they're all knowers. So if you follow that piece of advice chances are you may delay and block your progress even further. Which you cannot afford, as your Life Purpose depends on it.

All these 11 Secrets/ points that matter..

1. Cut the Crap...

This is where most get confused and drowned, if you get too much into this; chances are you'll feel too overwhelmed and stressed to start and continue your practice. And chances are you'll give up soon.

The Right Food

A lot of People get too much into this or not at all.
Right Food and Wrong Food, Saatvic Food/ Rajasic Food and Tamasic Food, Good Food Bad Food.

And then you start judging people by their Food choices. Well food is what is different for everybody. There's Vegan diet but its not for everyone. There's non-Vegetarian diet but its not for everyone. There's fruit-eatarian, juice-only diet, Raw Vegan diet, etc.

Don't think too much just follow the Balanced diet rule, and keep following it.

The Right Clothing

This is the Second Biggest tripping and falling point. Most people read a lot of books and lot of information before starting their spiritual Practice.
Its like a Kindergarten kid given University level mathematics problems, and the kids mind will give up. Same thing will happen to you, you too will give up if you can't wear your Special Yogic Clothes daily while Meditating.
You may also feel meditating in some other normal day to day clothes is like a sin and should be totally avoided.
Bottomline is wear whatever you have, sticking your butt on that meditation mat is important.

The Right Surroundings

Your surroundings matter a lot while Meditating, and more then that... Its how much you're concerned about "What's happening in your Surroundings?" is more important.
If you are near some noisy market, but still don't give a shit about it. Those surroundings won't matter.
This again is a huge hindrance that you may makeup in your mind. Waiting for everything in your surroundings to quieten down, well that may NEVER happen in any Eternity!
So try to Meditate with all your Heart and Mind whenever you have time. Don't wait for perfect ambience.

The Right Mindset

People ask me this, "Priti how can you actually meditate...? I just can't get past my thoughts"
Well for that, You meditate so that you can get into a Thoughtless state.
You don't need to be in the Thoughtless state so that you can Meditate. 😂 Your mind is going to be a MESS when you'll be advised to begin Meditating.
And yes it will be an Effort initially when you're a beginner. Even people who meditate for years have this problem... Thoughts not letting you just focus on the Meditation.
Well its this flaw that you are to master, when you regularly Meditate.

2. Blockages are going to Open surely...

Having a Body that doesn't have any Blockages, doesn't Exist on this planet. And so be prepared for opening blockages one after the other when you begin working on your Chakras, begin Meditating, wor on your Kundalini.... in short when you get into Spirituality.

Use EFT to Release Mental Emotional Blocks

This is an amazing technique to help you release emotional and mental blockages. Remember sometimes the Physical pain that you experience in your body also comes from Blockages.
And EFT can help you with effectively remove these blocks. I had made a video on this sometime back, do check it out. See knowing the technique is a thing, and using it whenever you get troubled by your blocks is another. So USE the technique when you need help.
This technique has to be applied several times a month to help remove the discomfort you're feeling.

Learn to bring yourself out of Shit

I have also seen this one weakness or drawback in Spiritual People. There's no doubt that suffering through several Problems makes you drift towards Spirituality to find more answers.
But I have seen people have a notion, you may feel just because you've suffered lot of problems then what normal people do. God/ Divine beings are supposed to come personally to lift you out of the shit you have created for yourself.
Well if you believe that too, remember that that's NEVER gonna happen. You'll keep waiting and chances are that problems will keep increasing.
So learn to get out of Soup Yourself!

Loving yourself and taking care of yourself will Help

As I mentioned earlier if you have gone through a Lot of problems, you'll automatically be attracted to spirituality. And going through a lot of problems will make you not like yourself. As you know that you've created this for yourself
But know this, this journey will be smoother when you have "self-Love". If you keep hating yourself, your system isn't going to create good vibes for you.
You need to cultivate self-acceptance and self-love to bring all the Universal love towards you.
Practicing affirmation "I love and accept myself"
Daily at bedtime and wakeup time, will help you.

Being Judgemental

The most underrated

Being judgemental is what's most underrated. Everybody has developed this habit of judging the good/ bad in people. Whether it be their character, the goodness, the being helpful or something else.
Everybody always keeps judging until the same judgement happens with you. Only then you'll realise how wrong you were in judging others.
Well even after knowing this, there still will be times when you'll be judging. And may not realise it until its too late. But when you realise it, learn to forgive others. Try to leave a positive impressum on other's minds, then the prick of judgement.

Expectations vs Reality

You'll never get what you want

What I have seen many people doing is EXPECTING results and siddhi's from their Spiritual Practices.
Let me tell you what you Expect, you will never get. And what you've never expected will happen with you.
So in that case expecting some spiritual experience that you read somewhere on the internet, is not going to happen to you. And what's actually meant for you, what's tailor made according to your energy will be done for you.
Also you'll get the Best Experiences when you've not expected anything at all. And nothing at all when you've expected a ton of Goodness.

Ego will make your Path Difficult

Your Enemy is inside you

The most damaging thing that can happen to you. You may even stop your Spiritual journey because of this. Its your EGO. The little false entity inside you. That makes you feel whatever thoughts and arguments it gives you are always correct.
And I have seen the best way its gets you, is by Criticising your Spiritual Coach or Guru.
Most of people usually give up after they feel their Guru isn't upto the Mark. Remember anyone in the Materialistic dimension will not be perfect, including your Guru. So stop expecting an Immortal Godly person.

Applying Wisdom

Apply what you Learn

The most damaging thing that can happen to you. You may even stop your Spiritual journey because of this. Its your EGO. The little false entity inside you. That makes you feel whatever thoughts and arguments it gives you are always correct.
And I have seen the best way its gets you, is by Criticising your Spiritual Coach or Guru.
Most of people usually give up after they feel their Guru isn't upto the Mark. Remember anyone in the Materialistic dimension will not be perfect, including your Guru. So stop expecting an Immortal Godly person.

Body and Health

You are not Immortal & Invincible

A lot of people when begin with Spirituality will start behaving weird way, they'll neglect their Body Health, Normal Sleep etc. Thinking their Spiritual Practices will keep them Healthy no matter what.
I know you might have read a lot about Miraculous Yogi's who has walked on water, lived without sleeping, lived without food for 1000's of years. But you are not following the Yogic path they've followed. You don't even know what they did inorder to live extraordinarily like that. So better not experiment on your health like that.

You'll need Food

Spirituality is also not a Replacement for Food

I have also heard some very absurd stuff about Food, you eat whatever you wish. Your body will create whatever nutrition is needed, from the crap you've eaten.
This is like putting garbage in a truck and pulling out Gold and Diamonds. I expect you not to be dreamy and fantasising with your food also.
Eat a healthy balanced diet. And visit a doctor when needed. I suggest you Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Naturopathy for chronic issues. And Allopathy for Acute illnesses.
Im aware about Khechari Mudra and Saints who have survived without Food. You aren't there yet.

Make Best use of your Time

Everybody around won't think like you

When you start practicing Spirituality and Meditation. After a while Gossiping, abiding by outdated customs and traditions will seem useless. Well this is the purpose of Spirituality. It always helps you to grow better.
Try to make best use of your Time by Reading good stuff, Chanting, Meditation whenever you have Extra time. Its likely that when nothing else works in life, you're drawn to spirituality. So why waste the Extra Time that Universe has provided you.
Its Gold it won't come back. So utilise it now.

Brahma Muhurta

make most of Magical Hour

People Mostly wait for being told what to do, what's working what's not working. And waiting for the right guidance, waiting for the right gesture; will make you overlook what's already available to you.
Meditating at the Brahm Muhurta is a Golden Opportunity that's given to you daily. Which you might be missing on till now.
Brahm Muhurt is exactly 96 minutes before sunrise. And it will last for 48minutes. And to be Precise the time of sunrise will increase by a minute after Summer Solstice. And will Decrease by 1min every few days after the Winter Solstice.

Sansaari Life

Life with Family is Best

Lot of people want to run away from Family to progress Spiritually. This maybe because of Temporary problems with family or life in general.
Well running away from problems doesn't help. And if you have constant problems, then it is a sign to turn within. To wipe away unwanted programming that's bringing the nasty pain in your life.
Life is full of Surprises, we neglect that and live JUST A MATERIALISTIC LIFE. Which itself is full of ignorance. So Universe has to splash you with some problems to bring you on your Soul Path.
Living a family life rather then life of mendicant is more suitable for Steady Progress in Spirituality. Lord Krishna has said this too in The Bhagwad Gita.